I got tired of waiting for an aftermarket safety lever that I wouldn’t miss with my thumb, so I decided to fashion my own. Took the factory safety and deep stippled it with a hot wire creating tiny, mushroomed top craters on the surface being careful to not go too deep and ruin the functioning of the detent assembly on the back side. Some said they didn’t think JB Weld would hold, but that’s what I used, being sure to completely degrease with gun scrubber prior to application. Blobbed a bunch on to make it oversized and waited 24 hours to fully cure before using a small sanding drum on a dermal to hand shape it. A little hand sanding with some 600 grit paper before painting it with Krylon flat black. Been solid as a rock through 2 months of practice and 6 defensive pistol matches. Approximately 800 rounds. I use Ballistol as both a cleaner and lube. Some very thin cleaners may affect it negatively, I don’t know. This is a real lifesaver for me and just wanted to pass it on.
If someone will help me by telling me how to post a picture off my iPad, I’ll include one.