Author Topic: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?  (Read 4216 times)

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Offline sberres

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2019, 08:48:27 AM »
The 3m Peltor Tac300 and 500 both offer decent NRR ratings and their circuitry is set up to reduce rather than simply cut out above 85 dB. They are also supposed to have voice detection in order to help differentiate vocal from other. The gel cups make them better sealing and far more comfortable. The 300 has an audio input jack while the 500 has Bluetooth. I have the 300 and my only complaint would be that battery life isn’t all that great. I make it a point to carry a couple of extra AA with me.
They’ve never just died, just don’t power up. They’re still earpro at that point, tho.
  Son in law was running a machine gun shoot at local range one day for some 3M execs. He had a pair of Howard Leights. Guy asks how he likes em?  Ok. Well, here, try these 500’s... yeah nice. Here you go, thanks for letting me try em... Nah, keep em!  Oh, here’s a pair of gel ear cups, too- enjoy!  Talk about a nice tip! 
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Offline BarkingAnt

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2019, 09:53:14 AM »
I use MSA Sordin Supreme Pro X gel with foam ear plugs at the range.  They also have a aux jack for music, etc.

I also wear them sans ear plugs while hunting.
They work well and very comfortable for wearing hours on end.


I do same thing at indoor range that's incredibly loud. This set up works and still hear most speech
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Offline Vinny

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2019, 01:11:38 PM »
Thanks ALL, some great info in this thread.
Only get one set of ears; so looking for best way to protect 'em!

Doubling up both Radians Resistor NRR 32 rated foam plugs that I'm using and the best NRR 30+ electronic muffs with a secure fit for sure!
Then comfortable fit, ability to adjust electronics for voice, durability&reliability, battery life/auto shut-off, music inputs and quality of sound....all pluses.

I'll keep my wireless BOSE for just music enjoyment.

Any other thoughts suggestions welcome! -Vinny
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Offline larryflew

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2019, 02:22:49 PM »
Should have mentioned I use Walker electronic ear buds (31)for rifle shooting as the muffs get in the way of my cheek weld. They are not as good as my muffs (22) for sound reduction but they do the trick.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2019, 06:28:27 PM by larryflew »
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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2019, 11:43:02 AM »
I got a pair of Howard Leight for Christmas years ago. They've worked really well.

The only issue I've had was of my own doing. I left the batteries in so long they corroded. So I had to go in and do some clean up in the battery compartment. These things aren't power hogs, so you won't be replacing any dead batteries. I highly suggest you get in the habit of taking the batteries out when not shooting.
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Offline gwvt

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2019, 01:03:38 PM »
I use a pair of Howard Leight headphones and also double up with plugs when people near me are using particularly loud firearms. Even so I can still hear people talk if I turn up the mic volume. It's true that they don't use the batteries quickly - I have had them for a couple years and am still on the first set of batteries. I guess it would be a good idea to check on them.

Offline Vinny

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2019, 05:13:44 PM »
I looked at some Howard Leights and they were rated 22NRR. The Pro Ear Golds are rated 30NRR. (8) NRR is a significant difference. Has anyone tried side-by-side??
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Offline Luvdog

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2019, 08:12:10 PM »
I’ve done side by sides with mine.

The Howard Leights don’t cut out as effectively as the other 2.  Mine (and I had 2 pair) clipped all sound when dbs got too loud.  So not only did they cut out gun fire, but they also cut out conversations.  It’s like all sound gets clipped.

The Sordins and the Pro Ears seem to not clip out conversations as abruptly.  So you can still hear conversations well even when gun fire is happening in the back ground.

The Sordins have the best build quality. Metal headband.  Metal battery compartment cover.  Water resistant.  The sound quality is good and the noise cancellation is great.  The only downside I have is that the noise cancellation has a hum/buzz in the ear cups at higher volumes.  This is in all my sets of Sordins.

The Pro Ears are really quiet.  I don’t get th buzz even with the volume turned up.  The build quality isn’t as nice... plastic headband.  Not water resistant.  More expensive battery.

So it’s really a toss up. 

Offline tdogg

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #23 on: December 25, 2019, 01:38:11 AM »
I've used foam plugs and Howard Leights for years.   They cut out during shots but you can hear otherwise.   My biggest issue was when I started working as an RO.  Wearing muffs all day with glasses and a hat gets old and my ears start hurting.

I recently got fitted with SoundGear custom in ear protection and they are fantastic!  The electronics are so much faster you can have a conversation while shooting.   They are all day comfortable and you can wear a full brim hat.  I still double up with muffs when the open shooters come to the line due to the percussion of the comp.

A bonus reason for them is when big game hunting.  They amplify ambient sounds and will provide protection when taking your shot.  They handle wind well and the sound is very clear.

Just throwing out another option.   They are pricey compared to muffs but you only get one pair of ears!  If you go to any major match you can get them for way less than msrp.


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Offline Vinny

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #24 on: December 25, 2019, 02:40:47 PM »
Really great info guys. Thanks!
I need to get off the fence and just get something strictly for pistol shooting.
I'm leaning toward the Pro Ear GOLD II with gel muffs at 30NRR rating combined with 32NRR foam plugs. I believe these will allow me to turn up voice on one ear to hear RO commands.
Ultimately I'll need a second pair, so I might also try something different, but my ears just can't wait any longer.
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Offline Vinny

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2019, 08:52:55 AM »
Quick Update:
I found that the Howard Leight PRO model is 30NRR. Amazon $49.
The HL's also have a more durable metal band vs Pro Ear's plastic and HL's 30NRR is equal to the best Pro Ear models costing 4X.

However, HL's are not a GEL ear seal nor are they individually adjustable (which I prefer for competition)for each ear like the Ear Pro GOLD II that now take standard AAA batteries.

So....I ordered both.  ;D

The Sordins seem to be the best for outdoor as they are waterproof and have a more durable headband vs Pro Ear's; however would have cost me $50 more (after considering my Amazon Discount and shipping cost) so I got both the HL's and Ear Pro's for same $$.  We'll see, but thanks ALL for the suggestions!  -Vinny
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 10:05:19 AM by Vinny »
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Offline Mercs

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2019, 09:46:21 AM »
Another +1 for HL pro, been using them for years. The HL Sport isn’t bad for when you need a lower profile muff. They also sell gel inserts for them, and I see a lot of guys have these at comps

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Offline sberres

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #27 on: December 28, 2019, 11:30:04 AM »
The gel inserts may be a bit pricey but are a must have in my book. The improvement to fit and comfort is far above the standard foam cups.
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Offline hogdad

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #28 on: December 28, 2019, 05:30:19 PM »
I've tried the noise cancelling headphones, they do work. A bit getting used to at first since I heard talking at normal volume until we starting shooting. When I bought my own set I went for traditional headphones with 3M padding and am happy with what I'm using.

Offline Vinny

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Re: Anyone try Noise-Cancelling Headphones at the range?
« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2019, 08:00:29 AM »
Amazon delivered both the Howard Leight PRO and Ear Pro Gold II yesterday.
Put the batteries in and first impression.........

The $50 HL's have noticeably better ambient noise blocking than the $200 EPG II's. Both are rated at 30NRR but the HL's are quieter and more effective at blocking general background noise. I didn't expect that. Maybe due to the snugger fit of the HL's with metal band?? Or simply better sound deadening material inside the HL's. I dunno.

Both feel very comfortable, maybe the EPG II gel would be better after a full day at the range.  We'll see. But the $50 HL's are very comfortable.

First impression of the electronics, EPG II is slightly better. When the HL's are used to hear voice, there's some slightly audible white noise, less so with the EPG II's and I can adjust the EPG II separately to hear RO commands just on one side.

Haven't given them a full workout at the range yet, but considering 90% of the time I'm simply looking for the best Noise Reduction possible; so far I have to give the $50 Howard Leight PRO's a thumbs up.
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