The 3m Peltor Tac300 and 500 both offer decent NRR ratings and their circuitry is set up to reduce rather than simply cut out above 85 dB. They are also supposed to have voice detection in order to help differentiate vocal from other. The gel cups make them better sealing and far more comfortable. The 300 has an audio input jack while the 500 has Bluetooth. I have the 300 and my only complaint would be that battery life isn’t all that great. I make it a point to carry a couple of extra AA with me.
They’ve never just died, just don’t power up. They’re still earpro at that point, tho.
Son in law was running a machine gun shoot at local range one day for some 3M execs. He had a pair of Howard Leights. Guy asks how he likes em? Ok. Well, here, try these 500’s... yeah nice. Here you go, thanks for letting me try em... Nah, keep em! Oh, here’s a pair of gel ear cups, too- enjoy! Talk about a nice tip!