Greetings all,
I have a new CZ 75B Omega convertible and have installed the manual safety in place of the de-cocker, intending to do condition 1 (cocked and locked) carry (as I do with my 1911s and BHPs).
As I'm sure many of you know, the standard 75B safety leaves a bit to be desired and my thumb is not long enough to engage it without shifting my grip.
I like the look of the the extended safety that CZ custom offers for the Shadow 2, and the SAO safety also looks good, but neither can be installed on the Omega models.
Has anyone ever seen an extended safety compatible with the Omega fire control group?
Unfortunately for me the SAO models were discontinued at the time I purchases and except for (some of) the stainless models, the Omega was the only 75B model offered with the beaver tail... which I really wanted.