Welcome Aboard !Your volumes and type of shooting are going to drive this in possibly a slightly different direction, than say your average 'plinker'. Also because to the type shooting, you may now, or at a foreseeable time in the future, have gun mods. I say all that so that someone else reading this won't run out and and buy all this for their stock P09.
BulletsYou are first and foremast driven by a mix of cost/ accuracy/ bulk purchasing. Jacketed for ultimate accuracy, 124gr for faster splits. My personal choices in order...
1. Precision Delta 124gr conical JHP
**. These are $115/1000, but when you buy 2K the price drops to $89 ea. And there may be additional discounts on top of that. It's simply unbeatable. Shipping is FREE. Typical OAL in CZ is 1.100".
2. Zero 124gr JHP. These are A++ bullets which have the unusual ability to be swapped with PD 124 JHP and seat at the same OAL. They are a rounded ogive which may feed slightly better. An excellent backup should it be needed.
3. Rocky Mntn Reloading (RMR) 124gr conical 'Match Winner'
4. Rocky Mntn Reloading 124gr rounded ogive JHP
5. If you need to go slow and heavy, then consider 135gr bullet rather than 147. I've been delighted with the
coated version of the Missouri Bullet Co (MBC) 135gr RN
IDP#8 Hi-Tek. OAL of 1.130" in CZ.
PowderThere are only 2 powders I'd consider, and the make/break decision point is all about what you can afford. In order of preference...
1. VihtaVuori
N320. This is a single-base wonder drug. It runs much cooler than other powders. If you look in the dictionary under "perfect", then there's a picture of this stuff. It is generally 150% the price of others, but all other attributes are A+++.
2. Alliant
Sport Pistol. This has many, many endearing qualities. Works well with coated bullets. This is possibly the best new powder introduced in the last 3 years.
Primers• Primers are an area of some uncertainty. If you have firing pin, hammer, or hammer spring mods then the safest #1 primer is always
Federal #100 due to its thin cup. These always ignite on the first strike.
• From there it's probably easier to tell you '
what not to buy'. So the
third tier primer is CCI with it's hard to ignite thick cup. You
will have problems with these in competition
IF you have the aforementioned hammer mods.
Second tier would be Winchester, Fiocchi, Remington, and a whole raft of moderately priced/ middle of the road primers. Where you might buy name brand for competition, and take advantage of the highly discounted brands you never heard of for practice.
Hope this helps.
** Dillon dies don't really have a good way to handle seating of conical bullets such as Hornady XTP & HAP, or the PD JHP. I make these for forum members and you can contact me privately if this is a need.