We assume your use of "FTF" means "failure to feed".
It is well understood and documented that the chamber on the 9mm CZ pistols all have very short freebores. That means the chamber is very sensitive to both the bullet's ogive shape
and OAL of the cartridge. Bullet nose geometry and OAL are very individual characteristics, and as such each brand of ammo has to be assessed on it's own. IOW, just because Winchester 115gr
white box ammo works fine, doesn't mean you'll have the same good luck with Hornady, Speer, Fiocchi, or any other. In fact, as these things go, Winchester 115gr may work fine while Winchester 124gr or 147gr may not.
It's strictly on a per cartridge basis. Here's a cartoon to try and explain what's happening...

As handloaders we deal with this everyday. But we can invent work-arounds.
If you're not a reloader, then we can only make 2 suggestions:
• Don't buy Wolf ammo in the future.
• Take your naked barrel with you when you buy ammo. If the bullet won't spin freely inside when seated all the way into the chamber (
head spacing), then it's not going to work when you get that ammo home either.
Hope this helps.