The beavertail of the p-01 isn't as pronounced as it is on say the sp01 or one of the steel frames compacts.
You can get an aftermarket hammer and have it bobbed (back cut off).
You will want to make sure it's reliable obviously.
It seems like you're gun is relatively stock. I would call Cajun and see what they say about bobbing the hammer and what other products they suggest you run with it. I would think perhaps the extended firing pin and a different hammer spring.
If you want me to modify a stock hammer for you to try I'm happy to. I have a few laying around. Just cover the shipping costs to you.
I dont want you to put in work but thank you!
That bobbed hammer looks interesting.
I'm going to switch my grip a little and go test it out. Mabe its not as bad as I remember
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
I wouldn't switch your grip unless you think your grip is wrong.
It's like buying a car. If you don't fit so well into it would you adjust the way you sit?
One day you'll pick up that gun and forget to "adjust" the grip. It'll bite you and every time you shoot the gun it'll be in the back of your mind.
Occasionally I have slide bite (not hammer bite) on some guns. Mostly Glocks. I modify the frame so that it has a bigger beavertail. I don't switch my grip.
The hammer - I'm sure there are tons of decocker hammers out there if you want to pick one up and try bobbing it yourself.
If you're OK doing some light gunsmithing it would be a fun project.
I'm happy to do one for you. Cutting it would literally take maybe 10 minutes. The refinishing. That's different.
I could leave it bare and you could finish it.
I could cold blue it in 30 seconds.
You would need to know how to disassemble the gun and replace the hammer. That would necessitate some punches, a floating trigger pin etc.