So I finally bought a P01 Omega. I've taken care of most of the new CZ protocols (polishing of parts, bending of spring, lots of dryfire with snap cap and o-ring). The trigger is getting really nice, after a couple hundred rounds and the at least a thousand dryfires. Planning on a kit from Cajun when I can afford anything again.
Has anyone here dehorned the decocker and slide release levers? If so, any problems? I find them to be sharp and uncomfortable with my grip and painful after a lot of shooting. I was thinking of hand filing at least the first "tier" off and rounding a little. I have no trouble with the slide release or decocker as far as being to hard to use so I don't think taking off a little material will affect function for me. Most likely get the parts cerakoted when I get them where I like them. The decock lever on the right side might get even more removal done as I don't see myself using it.