I just bought a new Phantom. It turns out to be a 2017. It will not eject the "Optimized" Mec-Gar magazines with the blue followers. It doesn't matter if it's 17- or 19-rounders, loaded or empty. It has no problem at all with the two 18-round SP-01 mags that came with it. Those do not appear to be made by Mec-Gar. This is a real bummer because I already have quite a few of the Mec-Gar mags and don't want to spend $50 on SP-01 mags.
Looking in the magazine well, I notice two shallow rails lining what would be the grips. I wonder if I sanded those down slightly, would the Mec-Gars fit better. But, would that cause a problem for the SP-01 mags?
Any advice?