Author Topic: Extra power mag spring - P10F / P09  (Read 1744 times)

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Offline 01svtL

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Extra power mag spring - P10F / P09
« on: March 13, 2020, 05:24:58 PM »
Does it exist?  I bought Springer Precision baseplates due to it saying it’s for the P09, along with their extra power mag spring.  However, it must only be for the P10c bc they do NOT work with my F.  First two rounds nosedive into the barrel feedramp and I have to rack the slide.  This happens with all 3 that I bought.

Offline earlan357

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Re: Extra power mag spring - P10F / P09
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2020, 06:03:55 PM »
I had nosedive problems with my P10F with CZC extensions and Grams followers and springs.  I switched back to the factory follower and installed extra power springs from Shield Arms.  I had to remove a little material from the rear leg of the follower, but I can easily reload with 22 rounds.  23 is really hard to make reliable in the P10F.  The center rib of the slide has a ramp near the breechface.  This pushes the whole stack of rounds down into the magazine as the slide cycles, but with 23 stuffed in there, there isn't enough room, so the slide gets hung up.  It barely clears the top round before moving forward, but that's not enough time for the round to fully rise against the feed lips, so it nose dives.  It doesn't help that CZ barrels are coming from the factory with different feed ramp angles/depths.

FWIW, P09s run fine with 23 rounds because they don't have the ramp on the center rib.  The hammer provides some force to delay the slide.  Striker guns don't, so they often add the ramp to use the pressure from the mag spring to slow down the slide velocity.

Here's the link to the mag springs.

Offline 01svtL

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Re: Extra power mag spring - P10F / P09
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2020, 06:30:34 PM »
I had nosedive problems with my P10F with CZC extensions and Grams followers and springs.  I switched back to the factory follower and installed extra power springs from Shield Arms.  I had to remove a little material from the rear leg of the follower, but I can easily reload with 22 rounds.  23 is really hard to make reliable in the P10F.  The center rib of the slide has a ramp near the breechface.  This pushes the whole stack of rounds down into the magazine as the slide cycles, but with 23 stuffed in there, there isn't enough room, so the slide gets hung up.  It barely clears the top round before moving forward, but that's not enough time for the round to fully rise against the feed lips, so it nose dives.  It doesn't help that CZ barrels are coming from the factory with different feed ramp angles/depths.

FWIW, P09s run fine with 23 rounds because they don't have the ramp on the center rib.  The hammer provides some force to delay the slide.  Striker guns don't, so they often add the ramp to use the pressure from the mag spring to slow down the slide velocity.

Here's the link to the mag springs.

Perfect, order placed!  Thank you!