While I’m glad to not have to worry about shaving a .1 oz here and .1 oz there anymore in Prod or CO divisions, I see a point of diminishing returns when it comes to pistol weights. Most of my 1911 and 2011s, which are my other go-to guns when not shooting CZs, are in the 42-44 oz range and is what I’ve probably shot the most of in competition, and in .40 and .45acp calibers to boot.
Maybe I’d have to try a 9mm 59 oz gun to see what it feels like. I’m sure the weight soaks up the recoil more, probably shoots really flat, but I can see transitions being slower. When I went from a 5” 2011 to a 6” 2011 in Limited div it took me a while to adjust to the extra length and increased muzzle weight. I had great splits and accuracy, but my transitions were slower.