Author Topic: The Aftermarket and Gear Fear  (Read 1218 times)

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Offline skyydiver

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The Aftermarket and Gear Fear
« on: April 26, 2020, 10:34:41 PM »
I’ll start by saying a couple things. First I’m in love with shooting my P07. Next, I know there are at least a couple of companies doing superb work for CZ owners. I’ve replaced the pesky firing pin retaining pin, along with firing pin, spring, and hammer spring. Been really happy with those upgrades.

What I’d love to see now is a bombproof decocker that’s all metal, no glued little pieces, with steel or aluminum levers... pretty colored small parts would just be a bonus.

Is anyone out there considering this? Am I paranoid to worry about my decocker breaking on me on my thousandth lefty decock? I would love to hear that I’m nuts... and also, make me an orange decocker and I’ll buy it.

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Re: The Aftermarket and Gear Fear
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2020, 05:05:30 AM »
You're probably not likely to get an orange decocker unless you paint it up yourself but there's nothing to worry about with the OE part. I don't think there's ever been a complaint about longevity with the P-series decocker other than some don't like it's position or would like a thicker part for a better purchase with the thumb.

Offline CCWLearner

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Re: The Aftermarket and Gear Fear
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2020, 11:05:14 AM »
As a left-handed shooter, I find the right-side decocker to be kind of annoying to my left thumb when I'm shooting with a thumbs-forward grip.  I guess that's one of the advantages slide-mounted decockers have over frame-mounted ones.

Anyway I clamped that thing into my vise and sanded it down with my rotary tool, to thin it out, raise the bottom edge off of my thumb, and round it off some.  That thing looks flimsy but it's actually pretty tough.  I'm not sure how the metal is held into the plastic lever but it's in there pretty good.  It still works fine after my amateur gunsmithing job.

It's also my understanding that the P-07 is a bit large for the IDPA CCP box, due to the width of the ambi decockers, and that some shooters sand them down to fit in a similar way to what I did.

I also keep a set of spare left and right side decocker parts in case I mess mine up doing stuff like that.  I bought them for cheap off of Ebay, unused.

Offline skyydiver

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Re: The Aftermarket and Gear Fear
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2020, 02:51:24 PM »
Thanks guys. Good points. Glad to hear nobody’s really having problems with the metal to plastic interfaces or anything. I’ll pick up a spare and put some lipstick on if I want to feel pretty.

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