Not really sure what you are calling preban, but I can compare the mags that came with my 1992 Comapct to some Mecgar Compact mags I just bought.
The older mags are parkerized, one view hole on the right side for the 14th rd, two on the left, one for 5, one for 10. At the bottom of the mag on both sides there is an approx. 3/4" long "dent" pressed into the body. Zero markings on the mag.
The new ones are blued, viewing holes for 5, 10 and 14 on the left. No "dent" at the bottom of the body. Zero markings on the body. The new ones also have the mag catch slot on both sides, the old ones on just one side.
Both mags have the thin metal floor plate. The followers are different. The older mags will not consistently lock back the slide on my new P01, they will, however, reliably feed in the P01. I haven't tried them in the older Compact yet.
I hope this helps.