Author Topic: 2 Q's: (1) SIG case quality (2) RN recommendation  (Read 1085 times)

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Offline amada8

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2 Q's: (1) SIG case quality (2) RN recommendation
« on: June 20, 2020, 01:38:03 PM »
Hey all, I'm kinda back for now (was around 2015-2016 but life got in the way).  Started reloading 9 and 10mm and 40SW again.  Wife retired last year and she has become a QUALITY shooting buddy.  (She's a G19 gen 5 fan).  Spent the last few weeks reviewing data and rereading a bunch of threads....leaving me with a coupla questions moving forward

(1) We frequent a range where I have come across many 9mm SIG cases.  Can't find any available posts about its quality for reloading.  I sort brass and have been running only FC or *FC* through guns and a Dillon 650XL.  But.... before long I'll need to retire this brass and move on.  I have a nice pile of WIN as my 2nd Go-To.  Wondering what y'all think of SIG cases.  (This range also "offers" a ton of A USA brass that seems destine for the scrap heap based on reviews)

(2) Since I started reloading in 2013, I've been using a FP bullet; plated or powder coated.  Dillon anvil FP side works well and I can keep OAL within a hundredth or two.  I've never really experimented much with the opposite side of the Dillon anvil after trying some Extremes that were really not made for that anvil.  Any recommendations for bullets that work REALLY well with the RN end of the Dillon anvil?  Or maybe.... is there a secondary market manufacturer that makes replacement anvils in a variety of shapes?  Thirdly, Is the JB Weld trick effective and if so, any YouTube videos showing the process?

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CZ75D CGW Pro Package; CZ75 Standard; M&P Shield9; Glock 20SF; Sig Sauer 1911-22
CZ Sporter 32" O/U; Browning Citori Ultra O/U; Mossberg 500
Dillon 650XL; MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph

Offline Grendel

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Re: 2 Q's: (1) SIG case quality (2) RN recommendation
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2020, 02:43:28 PM »
The only 9mm I don't reload is Aguilar since I've found a lot reloading sites that don't think much of it. I would reload Sig without a qualm.
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Offline Wobbly

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Re: 2 Q's: (1) SIG case quality (2) RN recommendation
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2020, 09:46:52 PM »
Welcome back...

1) I'd reload the SIG brass until it's proven itself not to be worthy of my time. But I have zero experience with it.

2) For excellent RN, and here I suppose you really mean FMJ, look at the 124gr FMJ from Precision Delta. If it's like their JHP, it's about $110/K, but if you buy 2K then the price drops to $89/K. You can't beat the price and the quality is VERY high.

If you'd prefer a Rounded JHP that works well with the Dillon dies, then the 124gr JHP from both Zero and  Rocky Mntn Reloading work really well. The Zero will load at about 1.100" and the RMR will load a little shorter at about 1.060".

3) If you want to shoot conical FP or JHP, then contact me. I'm making anvils for the Dillon dies that will accept the Hornady 'XTP', Precision Delta JHP, RMR 'Match Winner', and others.

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Offline Here2learn

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Re: 2 Q's: (1) SIG case quality (2) RN recommendation
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2020, 10:41:33 AM »
I should know better then to read things when tired.

I wondered what happened with the cases, that you were asking for a registered nurse.

Offline amada8

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Re: 2 Q's: (1) SIG case quality (2) RN recommendation
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2020, 11:54:45 AM »
Here2learn.... thanks, I worked on the title for a coupla hours   O0

CZ75D CGW Pro Package; CZ75 Standard; M&P Shield9; Glock 20SF; Sig Sauer 1911-22
CZ Sporter 32" O/U; Browning Citori Ultra O/U; Mossberg 500
Dillon 650XL; MagnetoSpeed V3 Chronograph

Offline Wobbly

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Re: 2 Q's: (1) SIG case quality (2) RN recommendation
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2020, 12:18:07 PM »
Thirdly, is the JB Weld trick effective and if so, any YouTube videos showing the process?

The big difference between Covoid-19 and Epoxy is that the latter can be cured.  ::)

I've heard about building up the anvil for years, but never needed to actually do it.

A very good way to proceed might be to get an especially straight cartridge example made; tested by rolling it on a flat counter top. Then rough up the inside of the seating anvil so that epoxy will adhere. Grease up the bullet on your cartridge example. Place a glob of epoxy inside the anvil and put the die into the press. Then raise the example cartridge in the press, so that the perfectly centered cartridge is fully pressing up into the anvil. Allow that to cure in place.

The greased bullet should break free, leaving a void the exact shape of the bullet's ogive. If there's excess... trim it away. If there's not enough support, then add more epoxy.

There are lots of tough, "filler" epoxies (an epoxy that can be molded in-place without dripping) on the market that will work. JB Weld is simply one of the more commonly available examples.

Hope this helps.
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