Author Topic: 75C front sight off center problem  (Read 3198 times)

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Offline john seeley

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Re: 75C front sight off center problem
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2021, 08:29:15 PM »

However, my front dovetail wasn't only off center, but it was slightly cocked and I can see it plainly against the anti-glare top when putting a straight edge against the sight. Not only did I file the sight's dovetail on one side to compensate for it being off center, but I took material off unevenly to angle it back to be straight... in the direction it needed to be less off center.

My P-01 Dawson FO front sight has just worked it's way loose. :( It's constrained by the pin but it's wiggling forward and back and a little side to side. That's what happens when I tried take material off the sight on a skew to compensate for the uncentered AND cocked front dovetail. (It's uncentered to the right and cocked further to the right to make it a double negative) I did bring the FO dot closer to the center, not perfect, but somewhat acceptable. But after all of that (many months ago)the fit wasn't the tightest but now it's loose.

Can I just peen the sight bottom with a center punch? In all four corners? Or just in the center rear and/or center front? Will the peening eventually wear or will it hold almost as long as a properly fit sight? I'm still using loctite. Thanks.

UPDATE: Exactly what I did! I peened the bottom of the front sight in 4 corners and also peened one corner on the sight dovetail and filed the opposite corner to rotate the sight to help bring the front of the iron closer to center. It worked! Also applied loctite to the bottom of the sight and to the set screw threads on the bottom (with Dawson front sights, you cannot remove the set screw from the top). Had to work quick in getting the front sight pin in so I can tighten the set screw before it starting seizing. Worked great! If that sight works loose again, I'll be very surprised.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2021, 11:32:16 AM by john seeley »

Offline A.

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Re: 75C front sight off center problem
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2021, 03:36:12 PM »
Hello all.
Here is update on the outcome of the project. B-2 target, 50 ft distance, 5 shots, no support. Still have to correct elevation.
Disclaimer: this is not my worst target.