Author Topic: 320 X compact. Impressive so far  (Read 1701 times)

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Offline puddintame

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320 X compact. Impressive so far
« on: September 02, 2020, 01:01:02 AM »
wow. this lil pistol is a blast to shoot so far. im currently waiting on a taller front sight [which should allow to me to add the shroud on the RP1] not so much for co witness , but reference i suppose. [im still pert green to RDS] the hogue grip [so comfy] and gas pedal add to a much softer shot. i bought this from another member who added a M17 FCU [thanks again A!!] and it functions perfectly. looking forward to feedin it some more bullets >:(

Offline AZ_CZ

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Re: 320 X compact. Impressive so far
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2020, 01:57:54 PM »
Nice! My P320 compact RXP was just dropped off at the FFL 15 minutes ago. Kind of excited, but a little sad. It’s supposed to be my replace for theP10c and my beloved PCR. We’ll see how it shoots first.
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Offline Earl Keese

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Re: 320 X compact. Impressive so far
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2020, 06:26:17 PM »
Nice! My P320 compact RXP was just dropped off at the FFL 15 minutes ago. Kind of excited, but a little sad. It’s supposed to be my replace for theP10c and my beloved PCR. We’ll see how it shoots first.
Why are you replacing the CZ's?


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Re: 320 X compact. Impressive so far
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2020, 06:58:24 PM »
Nice! My P320 compact RXP was just dropped off at the FFL 15 minutes ago. Kind of excited, but a little sad. It’s supposed to be my replace for theP10c and my beloved PCR. We’ll see how it shoots first.
I had a couple 320's a year ago and while they were fine pistols they just didn't do it for me,just not my cup. My PCR has withstood the comings and goings of more than 50 pistols and I just can't find anything that measures up to it.   

Offline AZ_CZ

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Re: 320 X compact. Impressive so far
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2020, 10:11:16 PM »
Nice! My P320 compact RXP was just dropped off at the FFL 15 minutes ago. Kind of excited, but a little sad. It’s supposed to be my replace for theP10c and my beloved PCR. We’ll see how it shoots first.
Why are you replacing the CZ's?

In a nutshell, eyesight. Been switching my handguns over to RDS and decided to get a gun purpose built for CCW, a light, a low mount RDS (no plates) and backup iron sight capable. I have carried the PCR for years and never felt the need for a light. Decided to change.  I like the P10C, it’s all stock except for some talon grip tape and have nothing to complain about. To upgrade it with a slide cut ($$ + lead time and not a fan of the idea of a refinished slide), new suppressor sights (if I can even find some in stock)(then I’m not even sure how they will cowittness - read different issues), then buy a new RMR, then try and find a IWB holster (with a Sig there on the shelf options), then upgrade the tigger (the only easy part) It just seemed easier and less money to buy the Sig.

Nice! My P320 compact RXP was just dropped off at the FFL 15 minutes ago. Kind of excited, but a little sad. It’s supposed to be my replace for theP10c and my beloved PCR. We’ll see how it shoots first.
I had a couple 320's a year ago and while they were fine pistols they just didn't do it for me,just not my cup. My PCR has withstood the comings and goings of more than 50 pistols and I just can't find anything that measures up to it.   

I tried the Xcarry with iron sights and it was an easy transition. I only shot 50 rounds, but I figure with practice it’ll get even better. The flat trigger is different. If it doesn’t I’m sure I can recoup my money. Sigs are always an easy resale. Then I can drop the money into the P10C. I won’t be selling either one until I’m happy with the Sigs capability and reliability.

Just to be clear I’ll still have my 97b and 75b with Vortex Vipers and the Phantom with a Holosun. Have a spare Holosun just need to decide if it goes on my Kadet or P09, decisions decisions.
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Offline Earl Keese

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Re: 320 X compact. Impressive so far
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2020, 10:24:50 PM »
wow. this lil pistol is a blast to shoot so far. im currently waiting on a taller front sight [which should allow to me to add the shroud on the RP1] not so much for co witness , but reference i suppose. [im still pert green to RDS] the hogue grip [so comfy] and gas pedal add to a much softer shot. i bought this from another member who added a M17 FCU [thanks again A!!] and it functions perfectly. looking forward to feedin it some more bullets >:(

I bet that Hogue grip helps a bunch. My brother in law briefly owned an X-Carry. For me the grip was far too slender, making for a harsh recoil impulse. Brother in law ended up selling it and went back to his std P320C. Sig does a great job with the 320 series, something to fit every hand. The swappable fcg/grip module concept is genius. I wish CZ would follow suit.

Offline puddintame

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Re: 320 X compact. Impressive so far
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2020, 11:46:42 AM »
im not straying from my beloved CZ's either. my 1st sig was the 365. i just thought it would be the best choice [for me] to carry. i went a lil mod crazy on it [still not done. supp height sites and micro comp comin] and i like the outcome. the 320 X just caught my eye and wouldnt let go and its a fun shooter with the R1P. my CZ's though? there would have to be some major life change to separate these from me. my next one down the road, will be a P10c OR if i can find one local.

Offline AZ_CZ

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Re: 320 X compact. Impressive so far
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2020, 12:16:28 PM »
That’s a fine collection of CZs!

IF CZ offered an P10C OR with suppressor sights I might have gone that route. Even then it’s doubtful I could have found one in stock. I looked hard at the P10S OR that was in stock at CZC recently. Figured I could add an extended mag for a better grip. Never found any sights in stock anywhere however. Still left me with using an adapter plate instead of a direct slide mount but that offers some advantages and I might have gone that way.
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Re: 320 X compact. Impressive so far
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2020, 10:31:39 PM »
I like both Sig’s and CZs.

I’ll admit, the 320 series is my current favorite striker gun. I have a 320 compact, full and like you a x compact. I recently got a Wilson grip module and prefer it.

But I won’t get rid of any of my CZs- they simply just fit and work for me
Like a midget at a urinal, I'll have to keep on my toes