Well let me clarify - a new HD project, but definitely not a new shotgun. Over the last couple of years I've had an 870 tac, Mossy 500 and a couple others, but none really met what I was looking for. What I really wanted was something old school. Since a Winchester '97 was over my budget, I started keeping an eye out for a vintage Stevens 520. I finally located the perfect candidate back in early March - a last model double hump (1938-'39) in really nice condition, except for a dent in the barrel 2" down from the muzzle. And dirt cheap too!
First thing I did was order the correct bayonet mount / heatshield from East Taylor Co. and commenced to doing a little cutting, filing, stock cleanup and accessorizing. The heatshield finally arrived last week so I gave it a couple cycles of rust bluing (didn't want it to look too new or pretty) and finished it up. Not too bad for an 80+ year old gun.