An accurate .22 is a wonderful thing. Feed the family. Protect the pets/livestock. Take care of business. Not hard or expensive to find what it likes and stock up on it for the future.
The centerfires aren't so friendly for finding/stocking up on ammo. More noise when you shoot it. I'd be surprised to find a centerfire steel case ammo/rifle combo that would shoot like a good .22 for food. Probably doesn't matter with varmint hunting so much. I sure hope the 7.62X39 doesn't dry up. But it sure has gotten more scarce and expensive the last few months.
If you get some corrosive ammo just be sure to do an extra good job of cleaning it after shooting it and keep and eye on it the next day, a couple days after that and 3 or 4 more after that, to make sure you got all the stuff out of it that can make it rust up badly if you live in the wrong type of climate. All it takes is a weather change to go from, "I can wait till the morning to clean it". Versus waking up the next morning and finding the bolt rusted shut. BTDT. Just once though. The pits it the bolt will always remind me. That's all it took to rust that bad, about 14 hrs.