I have been testing some 180 gr Hornday XTP bullets over Longshot trying to replicate (roughly) an Underwood load for the purposes of defense against humans and bear. This will be for my new 97BD conversion to 10mm by CZ Custom. I also have a Glock 29 and Glock 20. The 29 is my EDC gun. I have chron'd the load in the 97, and muzzle velocities are in the high 1200s. Haven't shot it yet in the 29, but I will soften this load in that plastic small gun to match more typical SD loads.
My wife, whom I love, has frequently but good-naturedly scoffed at the idea that I would need to shoot at a bear.
Yesterday afternoon, a 39 year old woman went for a walk with her two small dogs near Durango, CO. She was later found dead, partially consumed by a bear. Several bears have been captured for necropsy to confirm the suspect bear. One bear was a mother with cubs, and of course they can be the fiercest.
This occurred 0.5 miles from my 2nd home in Durango, and my house is actually in more wilderness area than this incident.
The dogs were found alive and well.
And so for those (not here I'm sure) who roll their eyes at the need for an appropriate load for a black bear, this incident can be referenced.
Also, brothers, please note, that on this date, earlier today, in my Arizona home, unfortunately with no witnesses, a wife admitted to her husband of 25 years that she might have been wrong about an earlier judgment. I am currently working to chisel her verbatim words into the brick of the room wherein this statement was uttered.