Author Topic: Barrel Size  (Read 2984 times)

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Re: Barrel Size
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2021, 06:13:27 PM »
You simply need to find a cast bullet with an ogive that will allow proper seating depth in your chamber and can be sized to your barrel. If you won't buy bullets you'll have to look through the 9mm mold offerings from Lyman, RCBS, and Lee and pick something that more closely mimics a jacketed RN bullet with a trim ogive. If you're so far out in no man's land that you can't get to a gun store I have to ask where are these matches you're driving to?
People here are more than willing to help but you seem less than willing to accept any advice instead offering reasons why it just won't work for you. Not much else can be said. Good luck.

Offline Wobbly

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Re: Barrel Size
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2021, 09:15:59 AM »
wv109323 -
Sir, with all due respect... did you come here to complain, or find a solution ? I ask because this is one of the very few boards in the whole universe where you can get the help you need... BUT YOU WILL NEED TO LISTEN TO WHAT WE ARE TELLING YOU.

I see at least 3 glaring technical errors in your last post. But, it sounds like you have already given up and resigned yourself to failure.

So, please tell us what you'd like to get from this board. If it's simply a place to whine, I can tell you that you're not going to get much sympathy here.

All the best.
In God we trust; On 'Starting Load' we rely.

Offline George16

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Re: Barrel Size
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2021, 10:30:22 AM »
Thousands of people shoot USPSA with CZ's and cast bullets.  I shoot different CZ's in USPSA, there is nothing about a CZ that precludes it from shooting quality cast bullets accurately.  Either there is a defect in your pistol or in your loads.  If in the pistol contact CZ for warrant repair.
Most likely load problems. I have shoot many a rounds of coated bullets and W231 in USPSA using my shadow 2. Never had any problems with it. Of course, I did the pre-requisite plunk test yada, went to the range with my chrono to test for accuracy and PF.

The OP problem is his reloads and not his pistol  ;D.

We can only help someone who’s willing to be helped. Otherwise, it’s just a waste of time and resources.

Offline Bossgobbler

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Re: Barrel Size
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2021, 01:47:19 PM »
 You have lots of problems that need to be looked at.  You will have to do some testing to find what needs to be fixed. #1 buy one box of factory JHP ammo. Test it at 15 yards in your ransom rest. This will give you a baseline of how accurate your CZ is. #2 get some test packs of coated bullets you can order 250 for testing or if you ask maybe some will send you 20 to test. I know you want to use your cast bullets but you need to compare.  I have 4 different molds as some guns just don't like some bullet profiles. For powder, you should look for Alliant Sport Pistol or IMR Target. From my experience of casting 85,000+ bullets, you will need to change some of your components. you will have to change your mold to a different profile that allows you to load longer.  Your lead is soft! your need for larger bullets is trying to cover up other problems.  This can be overcome but it takes a lot of work. Living in the middle of nowhere you may not be able to get the wheel weights to add to the bullet alloy. You will need to push the bullets faster to get them to stabilize. try for 130pf-135pf.  It's not the CZ that's the problem.  You will have to be flexible and make changes to your mold, and/or bullet alloy to get the better accuracy you want.

This is 10 shots at 15 yards with my CZ SP01 Shadow from a Ransome rest.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2021, 03:23:02 PM by Wobbly »

Offline wv109323

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Re: Barrel Size
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2021, 02:10:36 PM »
That brings back to my original question, I wonder what the bore size should be?

Offline wv109323

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Re: Barrel Size
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2021, 03:01:14 PM »
 I was wanting to know what the common bore size is in other CZ pistols. My bore is .3562+. When I load a bullet of .357+ if there is any portion of the main bullet diameter protruding beyond the mouth of the case the front of the chamber accumulates lead or powder coating and soon the pistol will not go into full battery. It takes a bullet Diameter of .3582 to get bullet stabilization from my testing so far. This diameter accelerates the lead accumulation
 If I seat the bullet deep enough to pass the plunk test, then I have problems with the case not fitting in the chamber due to the coke bottle effect. I have about .006" lead before the bullet hits the rifling. To pass the plunk test I had to seat a. 3575 RNFP bullet to 1.025" OAL. That does not seem right to me. I have thought of a mold that has a shoulder and seating the shoulder even with the end of the case.
 CZ will not share the dimension of their bore and said I should be able to get 4" groups at 25 yards.
My lead alloy is COWW with cast bullet range lead added. It is accurate in .357 loads with 158 g bullets. Besides I have powder coated my cast with the same results.
 When I try to raise the velocity up accuracy falls off to 3.5 to 6" at 20 yards. I just think the pistol should do better.
 In all this no one has listed a specific load data for cast bullets with any powders I mentioned.
I have some jacketed bullets loaded for a base line plus I have some loads with different powder that I will Ransom Rest when the weather clears.


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Re: Barrel Size
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2021, 03:43:08 PM »
Reread what has already been posted and heed the advice you've been given. Also as has been mentioned by someone else your bullet alloy is too soft. You need to harden it or buy hard casting alloy or better yet try buying some quality cast slugs as has also been mentioned. There's nothing wrong with your gun other than the low grade ammo you're forcing it too eat.