Can anyone tell me the accuracy difference between the Shadow Blue and Orange?
At what range? There is a good YT video comparing the accuracy, by an Aussie fellow.
Advantages/Disadvantages between Blue and a SP-01? How much has to be spent in the SP-01 to get it to the Blue level? Can the SP-01 ever reach Orange status?
I don't know much about the SP01, but the orange is hard to match from a Blue, since it has a factory hand fitted barrel and slide. The trigger upgrades and internal polishing can be matched.
And the reason is ....LGS has a non optic ready Blue in stock and that got my wallet thinking.......
It's good you are doing some research before pulling the trigger. But it sounds like you really want an Orange. I think the Blue is still a fine pistol, but I'm afraid you'd regret not getting the pistol you really wanted. I went through the same thing when I got my S2O. It was worth the extra money to me to get the upgrades.