Excellent Review and shooting, even though you did not hit the Tack! Congratulations on finally getting a Walther PPK/S .380!
I have an older blued sample, made in West Germany. Bought it up a few decades ago from a retiring Police Detective.
Mine has the distinction of having been used to apprehend a Burglar, that had kicked in the Door of my Girlfriends apartment, thinking we were not there.
He surrendered without any fuss and the Police were only too happy to come get him and take him away. They had been looking for him.
Getting back to my Walther PPK/S, mine has been accurate and reliable, although I did have it's Barrel Feed Ramp polished by a Master Pistol Smith.
Once I got my CCL, it was the first Pistol I carried and I carried it often. I even went as far as reloading .380 ACP to practice with it.
Today however, it does spend more time in my Gun Vault, as it has been semi-retired in favor of smaller and more ergonomic 9mm Pistols and some larger 9mm and .45 ACP Pistols.
That said, I'll never part with it until I die.

Taurus PT111 Mil-Pro 9mm compared with Walther PPK/S .380