For some time now, I have been trying to decide on what to do with my CZs as far as upgrading parts. I have read a great deal on this site, but have posted very little. I own 2 PCRs, 2 P-01s, and 2 SP-01 Tacs. I have decided to make the compacts my EDC and create a rotation with them. The SP-01 will be my dedicated night stand guns. Interestingly enough, each of my pairs has one with the hook triggers, and one with the less exaggerated curve. I like the finger placement with the hook triggers, but not so much how they feel when shooting for an extended period of time. At first, I was thinking about the PRO package from CGW, however, I would like to keep the trigger pull weight of the SA close to stock. I also have a 75B that has over 2500 rounds through it, and the trigger has gotten a lot better, although the DA is still quite heavy. It is a dedicated Kadet host now as well as a range gun, so it is fine the way it is. I am now debating between the Ultra-Lite-Kit and the RRK from CGW, versus the PRO package. Any insight and/or opinions for those in the know would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.