I have two distinct "vintages" of sets of two 5 round and 1 10 round mag. The one set are tha same age as my 1972 452 and have steel floor plates; these will jam once and a while so I "retired" them.
I replaced them with later steel versions with the plastic floor plate. These are totally reliable.
I have found that I rarely use the 10 shot mag.
Here's a magazine story from years ago when we used to go to a remote area, far off the beaten track.
Keep in mind that we used to go back in the bush to stay, only comming out about every 3 days at best.
The guy that used to get "pumped up" the most about going each year and got that way earliest of us all would always forget some signifigant item. You'd think that because he was so keen that he would check his gear a dozen times over but no, apparently not.
Heres a partial "laundry list" of items, one would be forgot each year;
- Coleman Gas Lantern
- Sleeping Bag
- Hiking Boots
- .22 Ammo
- (my favourite) brought his CZ ZKM 452 .22 Rifle but NO magazines for it.
Being Mr. Complusive I brought my usual 2 5 round mags plus two older style spares I had. As he unpacked his gun cases and started to curse, I held the two spare mag.'s up and said "what am I bid?!!!
After a laugh at his expense, I let him use the mag.'s but this forgetting things happened every trip for the 15 years we used to go.