Author Topic: New CZ 75 B OMEGA - 89234 - First time on the Range.  (Read 2690 times)

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Re: New CZ 75 B OMEGA - 89234 - First time on the Range.
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2022, 05:47:45 AM »
I personally won't buy steel or aluminum cased ammo and I roll all my own anyway so I don't buy any factory ammo. That said this is a standard disclaimer they all use to cover their tails on warranty issues. CZ's will shoot cheap ammo as well as high end expensive ammo. Yes long term use of steel cased ammo can cause more wear in shorter time periods but limited use of it if that's all one could find wouldn't be an issue. Lets also be clear in that wear isn't going to happen in the short term but you would need to should many thousands of rounds of nothing but steel cased ammo to start seeing wear.
As I said this is a cya disclaimer.
Call SIG and tell them you have a failure to feed or failure to eject issue and they'll give you a very narrow list of ammo that they have decided only works in their guns and most of it being their own brand. These are the same guns that the US military now use and should be able to fire any brand of ammo in the proper caliber.

Offline Fuzzy Sights

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Re: New CZ 75 B OMEGA - 89234 - First time on the Range.
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2022, 05:50:22 PM »
Just started working on my own 75 Omega.  Initially the trigger was quite rough with a DA pull weight that was over 18 pounds and a single action of 6 and a half pounds.  Dry fired DA a 1000 times and the DA pull is down to 13 pounds and SA under 5.  Still not what I want, but do not need to change much to make it much better.  New 16 or 18 lb hammer spring (depends on which one will still be reliable with the Kadet kit), a reduced power firing pin block spring, reduced power trigger return spring and a probably a increased power (tanfoligo) sear spring (want a firm wall even in DA mode).  All of this will be under 40 bucks and take an evening to install.  May throw in a replacement firing pin retention pin just to round things out.

My two trips to the range were most satisfactory.  124gr ammo shot 100% reliable and to point of aim.  Had two failures to extract with 115 gr ammo and both loads shot low.  Oddly the Aluminum cased ammo shot reliably, but printed lowest of all.

May opt for a tritium front sight and paint my rear sight a flat black.  Not fond of three dot sights. 

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