My latest CZ (and likely last until an optics-ready DWX is released). I talked Robin Taylor, of Taylor Tactical, into making +5 (with Henning springs and follower) or +4 (with stock spring and follower) brass CZ75 baseplates to match the Lok brass grips (they're on his website now, as far as I know - it was a limited initial run). They're apparently OK for USPSA limited. I'm actually not much of a "bling my gun" kinda guy but I thought it'd look cool and I was curious about the added weight of both the brass grips and a brass baseplate. Well, I took it to an indoor "defensive league" shoot last night (our local, weekly outlaw IPSC/USPSA inspired league - we don't have any sanctioned events in my neck of Alaska), and man, I shot it lights out. I really love the brass grips and the brass baseplate seems to make the gun even more stable (altho shooting it one-handed for any length of time could be a challenge). The addition of the extended left side safety *really* makes a difference as well. Anyway, I thought I'd let folks know of the brass baseplate availability and give you an idea of how they look. (I've got no affiliation with Robin - he's just a good guy who took my suggestion and ran with it).
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Joe, on Flickr