« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2022, 12:18:50 PM »
Was just looking at my late war examples and found one with a serial number of 455XXX that had the slide ground down and restamped with the serial number also had the Nazi eagle stamped next to it. The ones I have with a 47XXXX don't have the eagle stamp.
CZ22, CZ24, CZ27, CZ36, CZ38, CZ45, CZ46, CZ50, CZ52, CZ70, CZ75, CZ82, CZ83, CZ85, Drulov M70, DUO, Grand .38 Sp, Mars, Z, M1922, Praga, Praha, Slavia, Little Tom, VZ24, VZ33, VZ52, VZ52/57, VZ527, VZ54, VZ58, VZ98/22, ZKM451, ZKM455S