Author Topic: P-07 front insert loosening in frame?  (Read 1159 times)

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Offline CCWLearner

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P-07 front insert loosening in frame?
« on: March 10, 2022, 07:54:38 AM »
We carried my 2017-stamped P-07 to the range and put about 300 rounds through it earlier this week.  The pistol has >5K rounds through it.  It has been detail stripped in the past to install CGW parts, clean and inspect, etc. but not for a couple of years and a couple of thousand rounds at this point.  As usual it had zero malfunctions and accuracy was fine, including the last two magazines I dumped of some older carry ammo I had, standard pressure 147 gr HST's.

At home while cleaning it, I noticed that the front insert has developed a slight wiggle within the frame.  In this pistol, as well as my other P-07, I have always found the front insert to be a tight fit with zero movement within the frame, even when I had the frame detail stripped to replace the trigger return spring.  Now I can wiggle this insert very slightly... I can feel and hear its movement, and see a very slight movement in the insert and in the trigger.  It seems as though the movement may be on a fulcrum of the frame pin that holds it in place.

So this is concerning me.  With the frame assembled, I have inspected the insert, frame pin, and the frame itself, with a magnifying glass, to look for any damage or cracks and I don't see anything.  I will detail strip the frame as necessary to get to the root of the problem.  I actually have a spare front insert and frame pin, but I have never removed the inserts from the P-07 frame before.

I like to get input from other P-07 and P-09 owners here about their front inserts and any looseness or movement they may have noticed, as well as any experience with removing and replacing the front insert.

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: P-07 front insert loosening in frame?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2022, 08:02:02 AM »
My EDC concealed pistol is a .40 S&W P07.  The loads are fairly hot.  Been carrying it and shooting it for about 8 or 9 years, or so. 

It gets cleaned fairly often (after I shoot it and sometimes when it just gets dirty from carrying it) and I've not noticed any looseness of the insert.

Have some others (P07/P09) in 9MM and .40 that don't get shot as much.  No issues in those either.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline CCWLearner

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Re: P-07 front insert loosening in frame?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2022, 09:40:34 AM »
The front insert doesn't normally move at all, in my recollection, even when the trigger pin and trigger bar etc. are out of the frame.  Not on either of my pistols.  Times like this make me glad I keep a second pistol ready when I go to shoot or work on the first one.

I found a YouTube video someone made in 2020 that has a full frame strip of the P-07 including the frame inserts.

I'll probably be detail stripping my frame in the next couple of days and removing the front insert for inspection of all relevant parts.  I can't even imagine what might cause this that isn't visible from the outside... maybe the frame pin is bent?  The other possibilities would seem to be either a cracked insert or else a warped or cracked frame.  I can't see any evidence of that from the external surfaces.

Offline CCWLearner

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Re: P-07 front insert loosening in frame?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2022, 04:54:04 PM »
Okay, as a sanity check, I cleared and field stripped my 2018-stamped OD green P-07 to confirm that the front insert doesn't wiggle... actually it also does wiggle, just not quite as much, so it isn't as easy to notice.  Still can't believe I haven't noticed that during the numerous times I have stripped and cleaned these pistols.

I would be curious if any of you could repeat this.  Field strip your pistol, reach in and hold your front insert between your thumb and forefinger, and try to push it forward and backward in the frame with light to medium force.  Can you feel, hear, or see it clicking back and forth, or is it rock solid?  One of mine is noticeably looser than the other, but they both have movement.

As long as it's "normal" and within spec I'm not going to worry about it any more.  As I said, the pistol has been 100% reliable for 5 years and 5K rounds and is more accurate than I am.  If it was something unusual or getting progressively looser from live fire, then I would need to tear it down and investigate.