Unfortunately, half the parts remain out of stock, including critical wear/breakage parts such as firing pins, ejectors, extractors, and the pins and springs thereof, are perpetually out of stock. I’ve signed up to be notified when they come back in stock, going on several months, but only heard back on some screws for the hand guard (that can be bought at the local hardware store).
Quite telling is that the 7.62x39 gas tube, which is at the crux of the problem for guns in that caliber, is not even listed. This part, with the correct sized gas port drilled, would immediately correct 99% of the problems that bedevil those guns, is still not available. Otherwise, if you could get your hands on one or two to experiment with, or swap for suppressors, hot ammo, etc., that would be ideal, but still for naught from CZ.
On the other hand there are several parts listed that are not even shown on the Bren 2 parts diagram, so I’m not even sure what they are.
Parts support improving? Maybe, but still nowhere near adequate.