Author Topic: Firing pin retainer  (Read 754 times)

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Offline Boriqua

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Firing pin retainer
« on: June 29, 2023, 11:16:34 AM »
I know I know .. there are a hundred threads regarding the Firing pin retaining pin but I need you guys to help me not be a nut!  :P

I have read a bunch of threads here, read a bunch of online reviews and seen a ton of videos regarding the pin. So I decided to look at mine with a loupe. No I didnt remove the pin. My gun was bought new in October. Upon looking I noticed the pin is spirally wound. I had bought a similarly spiral wound pin as an aftermarket upgrade for an XD in the past because of its claimed durability.

My gut says the spirally wound roll pin should be impervious especially since I always use snap caps when and if I dry fire. Was the pin upgraded in the newer version p07 and I should stop worrying or should I get this from the link below and just replace them on some sort of schedule. Just bought a nice AIWB holster with intentions of carrying the p07 but I am making myself crazy. Help me not be crazy.

This pin doesnt seem as stout as what I currently have installed??

Offline GasGuzz

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Re: Firing pin retainer
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2023, 05:51:38 PM »
2022/P01 2022/PCR 2023/P07, all have the spiral pin.
If I even dry fire it’s on a snapcap with a rubber primer + o-ring.
Ok for grins… McMaster M3x20 C43 $7, I don’t know if I’ll even replace the oem pin (having a 50pk, or 16pins /gun).
Regardless, I am certainly not losing sleep over it.