I have a Burris Fast Fire 3, 3 moa dot on my P-10C, slide milled by CGW when the C first became available. I haven't shot it since...Sunday. Works great out to 200 yards. I have OR models in P-10F and S, they each have Holosun sights. The P-10F is a Holosun 507C and the P-10S is a Holosun 507K. Both are fine. I go back and forth on which brand sight I like best, but ones without the Solar would work fine for me. Holosun's Shake Awake would be good if I carried with a red dot. I like the OR option and probably won't buy another pistol that isn't an OR model. My Burris sights have been very reliable. My oldest one is 8 or 9 years old with thousands of rounds. But the Holosun's have been excellent as well and have more dot intensity settings than the Burris, which is a plus.
Neither brand has very good zero adjustment design, probably because the parts have to be so tiny. They both seem to have some dead zone/backlash, so I tend to not mess with the zeroes much. In other words, they aren't made like a rifle sight! I can't go 4 clicks up at one location then go 4 clicks down when I return home and have the zero return to where it was, for example. But that is only noticeable when shooting the pistol at 100-200 yards, not 7-25 yards, for which the adjustments are perfectly fine.