Author Topic: CZ Alpha 600 Feed Issues  (Read 4496 times)

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Offline BKucera1015

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CZ Alpha 600 Feed Issues
« on: February 02, 2024, 10:40:32 PM »
Hello Everyone - I recently purchased a CZ Alpha 600 in a 6mm Creedmoor.  The gun has been very accurate and I love shooting it; however very recently it stopped feeding correctly.  I load the magazine, put it into the gun and try to close the bolt, but the round gets stuck on the feed ramp.  When I first got the gun this never happened, so I thought it might be a magazine issue or the actions screws might have gotten loose.  I tried cleaning the magazine and I also purchased another one from CZ, and I took the gun stock off, then re-assembled it, torquing it to 44 in-lbs, per the book, but the issue still happens.  Has anybody else had this issue with a CZ Alpha?  The bullets I have been loading lately are on the longer end (Berger type), so I thought this might be the issue, but I load the rounds to the book COL of 2.800" or less, and I think it has been happening with other bullets as well.  To get the gun to feed I either have to single load, or I have to push down on the back of the case in the magazine to tip the nose up a bit.  Is it as simple as polishing the feed ramp, or is there something else going on here?  I also tried taking apart the magazine but found I was closer to destroying it vs getting it apart (tips on disassembly would be welcome too).  Any advice anybody has would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Offline Wobbly

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Re: CZ Alpha 600 Feed Issues
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2024, 07:04:52 AM »
Welcome from Georgia.

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Offline BKucera1015

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Re: CZ Alpha 600 Feed Issues
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2024, 03:42:50 PM »
I think I have it figured out.  The CZ Alpha does not seem to be able to adequately cycle bullets at the max COL for a 6mm Creedmoor (2.800").  I went back and purposely loaded some other bullets at a shorter COL (ca 2.68") and they all cycled just fine.  I do not know what the cut-off is but I am going to play with the seating depth of the Berger bullets to see if I can find a COL that will allow it to cycle and not get into pressure issues. 

Offline crosstimbers

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Re: CZ Alpha 600 Feed Issues
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2024, 05:06:30 PM »
I think I have it figured out.  The CZ Alpha does not seem to be able to adequately cycle bullets at the max COL for a 6mm Creedmoor (2.800").  I went back and purposely loaded some other bullets at a shorter COL (ca 2.68") and they all cycled just fine.  I do not know what the cut-off is but I am going to play with the seating depth of the Berger bullets to see if I can find a COL that will allow it to cycle and not get into pressure issues.

I had a rifle that wouldn't chamber some handloads. It fed properly but would simply not chamber some full-length sized loads. I did some research and discovered at least some commentary from other owners concerning that model rifle being tight-chambered. It was accurate and other than the chambering issue was problem free as far as I could tell. There was nothing wrong with the loads, they were all within specs and chambered just fine in another rifle I owned in the same caliber, so reliability considerations made it a no-go- I sold it.

I doubt the 600 series has enough history yet to generate much in the way off commentary about common tendencies/problems. But if it won't chamber ammunition that is within specs, I would at least consider sending it back to CZ...or sell it off and buy something else.
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Offline BKucera1015

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Re: CZ Alpha 600 Feed Issues
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2024, 10:46:02 PM »
Thanks for your feedback crosstimbers.  I agree with you that if it won't cycle SAAMI spec rounds then it isn't any good to me.  I did try to drop the COL on the Bergers just to see and I got down to 2.65" and it still would not chamber for me (hollow point still jams into the feed ramp).  There is no way I am going to load these 0.15" below recommended, so I am going to get ahold of CZ to see what they say.  If they won't do anything for it then I'll have to move on. 

Offline Wobbly

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Re: CZ Alpha 600 Feed Issues
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2024, 07:49:01 AM »
I do not know what the cut-off is but I am going to play with the seating depth of the Berger bullets to see if I can find a COL that will allow it to cycle and not get into pressure issues.

If you want to reduce OAL and not have "pressure issues", then simply cut back on the powder.

Get yourself a chrono and compare the velocities recorded in your load manual with those for your new load.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2024, 08:33:32 AM by Wobbly »
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Offline david s

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Re: CZ Alpha 600 Feed Issues
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2024, 03:19:36 PM »
A thought, is it possible that the magazine spring is in backwards? You mention having to push the back of the cartridge down to raise the bullet end and this issue would be caused by a reversed magazine spring in the CZ 527's magazines. I have zero experience with the model 600's, however.