You can buy an adjustable sear from Cajun Gun Works that will take care of the "fitting" part of your question. I've used a couple of them, easy to do, works great. Can't remember, right now, if you need a spacer when using the CGW adjustable sear in a gun without the firing pin block. Been awhile since I've worked on a CZ75 type. Someone here will let you know. Lots of knowledge here.
The hammer on the Pre B model is wider at the top where it fits into the slide to strike the firing pin. A newer hammer should work, but it may look funny.
Are you wanting to run it single action only (SAO) or double action/single action (DA/SA? If SAO the internal work may have already been done. You need to remove the disconnector from the hammer.
I thought I would update on this..
I measured the slide on the CZ 75 (pre-b) and CZ 85 Combat (no firing pin block), and the 75 frame has a gap of 0.355" (9,0 mm) and the 85 is 0.28" (7,15 mm). The spurr hammer is 0.234" (6,0 mm).
I have two slides due to diffrent sights (fixed vs adjustable), so they can be used in diffrent competitions.
Anyway, if i swap the hammer the 85 slide wont work, so i rather nog make that modification.
The more I look at the 75 i have the more confused I get. Its a long slide 75, no firing block, wide slide gap but the front sight is not removable (ie, its part of the frame), and the top of the slide is "round"