I have used the EGW dovetail plates on a 75B and 97B, as well as P-09 and P-07, and a 1911. They work fine. You may have to add a 2-5 mil brass shim if the dovetail itself is a little wide. I've seen some variation in the dovetails that is beyond the control of any of the dovetail mount suppliers. I just cut shim stock from a small sheet and add as needed. I think my P-09 and 97B mounts have been in place for nearly 10 years, and the 75B one has been on and off several pistols. I've used the red dots in dovetail mounts for 100 and 200 yard shooting videos for years without a problem. as well as for many bullseye matches. That said, sure, if you can get the slide cut it makes for a nicer installation, but the dovetail mount can be very reliable if done correctly.
Joe L