Request of M1A4ME: I think your initial pistol is a 2nd Gen P07 Duty S/N Bxxxxx from the description and your backup is, like mine, a first Gen S/N Axxxxx ( mine also has a 10 (2010) stamped in front of the S/N on the barrel to show the year).
What would help me is for you is for you to measure the front to back distance of both magazines, that came with each pistol, remove the slide on each pisto, observe how the magazine fits as you insert it and if/how the magazine binds up and which, if any, won't drop free.
What I see is the back edge of the magazine is loose until the back edge just starts rubbing against the front surface of the rear metal insert and tightens as it moves upwards. Actually moves the collar on the decker shafts a bit as it seats. Your info may give me a little clearer picture of what's really happening.
Ref your backup pistol. My pistol had a frame bulge (the short 90 degree leg in the slide stop spring was creating a round bulge in the side of the frame) which I was able to eliminate by switching to the insert like your Bxxx S/N uses and ironing the bulge out with low heat and a clamp. mine also showed some frame swell on the right side of the front insert (the front 1/3rd of the insert length is tight but the rear 2/3rds has an open .010 gap of separation - looks to go about 1/4" deep from the top of the insert then closes. The bulge hasn't returned and the swell hasn't changes over time. The remaining frame to insert surfaces haven't shown a gap.
My pistol functions OK as is but I tend to go the xtra distance when I take on a project. Thks for your help.