I just modifed a half dozen of these mags to work with my CZ-75. All six came in EAA packaging, but three of them had Tanfoglio markings on the mag. All 6 mags worked without modification, except the EAA (non-Tanfoglio) activated the slide lock with one round left in the magazine. I also noticed that when these were locked into the gun, the top of the mag was wedged against the ejector. On these three mags, I opened up the mag catch hole by removing material from the top of the hole. I enlargeed the hole by about 0.5 to 1 mm.
Another problem I noticed (on all 6 mags) was that the rim of the mag base (is that the floorplate?) wasn't stopping the travel of the inserted mag. The top of the mag was smacking into the ejector and I slammed the mag home. I figured that was not cool, so I glued some spacers on the rim of the magazine base. I used plastic shim stock, trimmed to size, for the spacers.