One more thing that crossed my mind afterwords. I often hear a lot of complaining about IDPA's requirement for keeping a non empty mag. I stow all my mag changes, even the emergency ones. Tonight's match had the bad mag in the gun first but what if the bad mag would have been the second one? If I did not stow the first one, I would have been SOL. I would not have had enough left in the first mag to put two hits on each target, but I would have had enough for one on each.
You can talk about statistics and real life chances, (if statistics applied to the individual instead of a group, I wouldn't have any guns for self defense) but I still think retaining mags is the right choice for most situations. We can all come up with scenarios that would not favor mag retention. If I had to face such a situation, hopefully, I would be able to see the better tactical branch and execute that.