I had a CZ-50 for a couple of years -- one of my first C&R guns. It was a pretty good shooter, and out-shot a friend's similar Walther PPK (which cost 6 times more than the $75 I paid for my CZ-50 at the time.) He was not happy about his gun.
Ammo is expensive. 9mm is generally cheaper. Parts are easily found and replaced, but its a relatively big gun for a relatively small caliber. Suprisingly more recoil than you'd expect, too, given its heft.
If plinking is your intent, .22s are far cheaper. If self-defense is a goal, look elsewhere. If you just want a piece of CZ history, get one and shoot it. The 50s and 70's aren't graced with th best metallurgy, and with a lot of use, the slide may degrade where it pushes back against the hammer when cycling. (I've heard of several having to have the slide replaced due to the sloughing of the metail in that area. I saw SOME in my CZ-50.)
I carried a Beretta Tomcat for a while, and while it was also .32, I liked it better.... but eventually came to believe that the .32 isn't a good self-defense round. I now tend to shift between a Kel-tec P3AT, like a Kahr P-9, and a Sphinx Compact. The smaller the gun the more brutal the shooting experience -- but you've got the small ones for the oddball situations when nothing else is suitable.