Author Topic: Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)  (Read 1956 times)

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Offline CZooter42

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Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)
« on: November 26, 2007, 07:02:37 PM »
Assuming you live where there isn't a 'number of guns' restriction, is there any reason to spend potential P-01/SP-01 money on a 9mm barrel? I think there should be conversions FROM 9 to 7.62 for other guns, but this has the same chance of happening as Hillary having a good idea...

Offline skucera

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Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 09:56:08 PM »
Well, this isn't Italy where there is a restriction on the number of guns you can own. I think for me it comes down to a way to reliably get a self-defense round out of a CZ 52. (I say "reliably" because some aftermarket 9 mm barrels years ago didn't feed reliably, but modifications to the extractor claw fixed that. The OEM 9 mm barrels sold on Century Arms International pistols didn't have the reliability issues that the aftermarket barrels had.) We've been debating the effectiveness of the 7.62 x 25 Tokarev round for self-defense for years without building any consensus, but everyone agrees that Tok FMJ is very likely to over-penetrate and carry on past the the bad guy while inflicting a whole lot less debilitation on them than 9 mm JHP. The debate freshened when Tokarev JHP rounds came on the scene last year.

As for Hilla the Nun and good ideas, well, I leave that as an exercise for the reader, but we discuss CZ 52's and other C&R CZ's here. You're welcome to discuss politics in the General Discussion forum.


Offline LEE3370

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Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2007, 07:20:49 AM »
I reload 9's so they are cheaper to shoot. In a short time the 9 mm barrels for my two 52's were paid for in savings.
500 rounds of 9's in an afternoon is not as hard on old wrists as 500 rounds of 7.62's.
9's for punching paper.
7.62's for busting blocks and rocks.

Offline CZooter42

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Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2007, 04:46:53 PM »
"9's for punching paper.
7.62's for busting blocks and rocks. "
You make a lot of sense, man! So, we've got:
- Ammo price
- Stopping power
- Reliability?
- Ammo commonality
- Recoil
Hey LEE3370: how many rounds a week do you shoot to pay off a barrel?!

Offline CZ Prime

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Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2007, 01:14:27 AM »
Both rounds are equally lousy at stopping. So is the .45 ACP, .357 Magnum, .357 SIG, .40 S&W, etc., etc.  Handguns are not the ideal defensive weapon, but sometimes they are all you have. If you have any training at all you will know it is not the power/caliber of the round but shot placement that is critical. A .22 will kill you just as dead as a .45 (or 7.62x25) if it hits a vital zone. I, personally, do not envision myself fighting it out with an armour clad cyborg and so the 9mm will do just fine for me. If you see yourself fighting a Decepticon from Cybertron, I suggest you run as anything short of a 120mm APFSDSDU round will do you no good (and even that will fail). For "normal" street encounters the 9mm is probably a better choice then 7.62x25, unless you have some weird immunity to liability suites. YOU are responsible for every bullet that leaves your barrel and over penetration will get you sued at the very least. If you really need to carry a CZ-52, then yes, the 9mm conversion makes a lot of sense. I prefer a CZ-75, or better a XD-9. BTW, the reliability of a 50+ year old military gun, with an unknown use history and documented failures of critical systems (firing pin, decocker, locking rollers) should not be counted on in a defensive combat situation unless absolutely necessary.


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Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2007, 04:52:10 AM »
the reliability of a 50+ year old military gun, with an unknown use history and documented failures of critical systems (firing pin, decocker, locking rollers) should not be counted on in a defensive combat situation unless absolutely necessary...

Points frequently overlooked in the testosterone-charged discussions about the power of the CZ-52.

Offline LEE3370

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Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2007, 05:51:18 AM »
Howdy CZooter42
I never stopped to figure out the length of time to pay off the barrels. So for the fun of it, let's see:

My Dillon Square Deal B was paid for by savings on 357 mag, 38 spl and 9 mm before I got my CZ-52's. So that was no cost.
When shooting 7.62's, it is S&B for about $250.00 per 1000 or .25 per round.
It costs about .08 for me to reload a round nose lead 9 mm round or $80.00 per 1000.
That makes it a difference of $170.00 per 1000.
The two 9 mm barrels were $80.00 each for a total cost of $160.00.
In the summer I will shoot between 500 and 1500 rounds a month.
I do shoot other hand guns (black powder also) besides the 52's, this is just for figuring.
Looks like a maximum of two months (less than 1000 rounds) and the barrels were paid for in full.
Understand that I am retired, live in the sticks, and do my shooting out in back of my shed. There is no one to tell me when or how to shoot. No one except the wife and as long as I am at home she doesn't care much what I do.

Offline Radom

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Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2007, 08:36:55 AM »
Ceska Zbrojovka-Uhersky Brod actually made a few 9mm vz-52s for export in the late 1960s (to test market interest in a 9mm pistol while the CZ-75 was being developed). They did not sell well, at all, and the model was discontinued. These would actually have serious interest to collectors, but they would likely be very expensive. At any rate, I mention this because even CZ-UB didn't think there was much point or interest in a 9mm CZ-52.
The artist formerly known as FEG...

Offline CZooter42

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Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2007, 04:27:47 PM »
Nice, Lee. But couldn't you just reload S&B cartridges? I don't think I've seen a thread about 7.62 handloads...  And not to mention surplus tok is pretty *CHEAP*!


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Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2007, 04:42:39 PM »
I stumbled across one of the 9mm CZ-52s in a pawn shop in Cherokee NC, but passed. The next time we went back through the area I stopped in again, but it was gone. It was $90 at the time. (About 6-7 years ago.) I sorry I didn't get it, but glad I didn't get it.... <split personality?>

That surplus TOK ammo is almost all corrosive.  9mm isn't.  That's a lot less hassle.

Offline LEE3370

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Is there a point to 9mm conversions (CZ52)
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2007, 07:49:35 AM »
I already had the 9 mm dies and thousands of 9 mm brass and bullets.
Too much of the surplus ammo is corrosive and I really don't care for it.
I don't shoot any 7.62's any more. The old wrists won't take it. I have down loaded the 9's to where they will just operate the slide.