Just got back from the range wqith my new P-06. First impression had to do with the mag base plate, after carrying a P-01 for over a year, it looks strange, that being said, when compared side by side the base plate on the P-06 only increases the length of the grip by about 1/8th of an inch. Not enough to make a difference in the ability to conceal it. Trigger was no surprise, a little gritty, but nothing I can't live with. It has already started to smooth out some (my impression). Love the sights, Tru Dot night sights, MUCH better than the stock sights on the P-01, will have to look into ordering a set for my P-01.
Put 100 rounds through it tonight. Operated flawlessly. No FTF or FTE. Fired slow controlled for the most part, but did rapid fire a full mag to see if I might have any problems. Think this will be my new winter carry gun.