As noted above, the limited numbers cited (800, not 700) applied to the COLT-marked CZs, not to the CZ-40Bs.
We don't know how many 40Bs have been produced, but CZ has a knack of producing small lots of guns from time to time. They are still turning out CZ-40Bs, some dated as recently as 2008. [Although we know that date stamp doesn't necessarily indicate actual year of production.]
They continue to make 40Ps -- even though, originally, we thought they were just made up to use up a supply of existing surplus 40B slides.
The only REALLY limited product guns were the Colt-marked 40s. Those were all sold to a US distributor, and were snapped up as Colt collectibles. Whether those were true collectibles with long-term potential for value appreciation, remains to be seen.
While the 40B has been made in smaller numbers than other CZs, there are clearly many more than 700 already in circulation -- and the number appears to be growing.
They're good guns. One of the most trouble-free of all CZs, and an excellent value. Buy one for the value offered, not for its potential "collectible" value.