Author Topic: SO HAPPY!!!!!! I found a SS 75B at a California dealer!  (Read 1939 times)

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Offline kenbo1776

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SO HAPPY!!!!!! I found a SS 75B at a California dealer!
« on: November 28, 2008, 05:49:39 PM »
All my previous information that no SS variants being available in Calif. apparently not correct. Went to a larger dealer and there she was, my dream gun for the last couple years!!! Don't know how they got it or why but I am going to pick it up this next thursday.
This is probably the most beautiful pistol I have ever seen, and it took my breath away! Almost had to call the paramedics to get me breathing again!   So, I am a bit embarresed to say how much I paid for it, but the prices in Calif. are a lot higher than in most of the  states the other forum members are in. I will just say it was over $700 , and leave it at that . But I really dont care because I would have paid more if I had too. Already have CZ75B black  and a SP-01 in black. The stainless will provide a little contrast to my collection.

Offline Canuck44

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Re: SO HAPPY!!!!!! I found a SS 75B at a California dealer!
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2008, 07:57:29 PM »
$838Cdn up here you stole the darn thing!  ;D

Let us know how she shoots.

Take Care

Je Suis Charlie

Offline Dos

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Re: SO HAPPY!!!!!! I found a SS 75B at a California dealer!
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2008, 08:10:56 PM »
Good for you !   I've always wondered about California and the DOJ list.   Even though the stainless 75 IS NOT CURRENTLY ON YOUR LIST YOU GOT IT.   How does this crazy law work?   Did your dealer have a certificatiion letter from the manufacturer (CZ)???    All of us in the "other" states could not sell you one according to calif.  DOJ.

Offline kenbo1776

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Re: SO HAPPY!!!!!! I found a SS 75B at a California dealer!
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2008, 05:48:12 PM »
 In reply to DOS....   Not sure how  they had the pistol in stock  . But when the salesman went to the DOJ listing, he could not find the stainless model listed . So another salsman told him to just use the black model and to write in that it was a silver color on the sheet I was signing ( the state registration form I think) . After that it went fine. Was a little aprehensive when I went to pick it up, wondering if the D.O.J was going to reject the sale....but picked it up thursday and everything went fine!

Offline SF Bay CZ

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Re: SO HAPPY!!!!!! I found a SS 75B at a California dealer!
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2008, 02:10:46 AM »
I'm so green with envy.  I live up in Northern California and the SS CZ 75 is my Holy Grail.

Offline kenbo1776

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Re: SO HAPPY!!!!!! I found a SS 75B at a California dealer!
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2008, 04:36:37 PM »
Hello S.F. Bay CZ ......I am in north calif. also.... Sonoma county. Had to go down toward your area (S.F) to find it. I still think it was  unintentional that the dealer got it. I took it out couple times now and have about 250 rounds thru it. The only thing it does that is somewhat diffrent than my other two CZs is it sometimes throws the empty case on the top of my head during ejection. Probably just a slightly diffrent extractor angle or something. If you ever get up to my area Ill let you shoot it.

Offline SF Bay CZ

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Re: SO HAPPY!!!!!! I found a SS 75B at a California dealer!
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2009, 08:49:51 PM »
Thanks Ken.  That's very nice of you to offer.

Someone told me Bullseye in San Rafael had one for a short period of time.

Offline kenbo1776

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Re: SO HAPPY!!!!!! I found a SS 75B at a California dealer!
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2009, 10:07:34 PM »
  Ah yes....  They did... until I bought it last month. Not sure how long it was in their inventory but I was lovestruck when I saw it in the case and from then on I was blind to all the other guns they had on display. . That was one of two firearms I bought from them same day. They are not the cheapest dealer I have seen but they do have lots of cool things in stock. They had the exact two guns I was looking for and I ended up leaving with a very big smile on my face. I live way up north but the trip was worth it! Dont really like any of the dealers in my imidiate area, and most of them do not carry much inventory. I do highly recommend that you check out Bullyeye sometime if you are in the area. I now find myself taking it out of my safe several evening a week and just admiring it....aint love grand????