Was using whatever weight spring comes stock in the 75B- 14#, I believe. Still primarily using Blazer Brass and WWB. I did fire a magazine of some hotter JHP rounds through it without issue, but that does not prove anything conclusive, as I also get plenty of magazines of WWB/Blazer through it without issue.
This really feels like a weak ammo issue to me, as stovepipes are usually attributable to one of three things: weak ammo, strong springs, or limp wristing. I know that the ammo is pretty weak, and I know that I'm not limp wristing (I'm a fairly experienced shooter and a fairly strong guy), so the culprit in question is probably the spring weight. However, I'm concerned that if I go really low on the spring weight, say 10-11#, that the frame and slide stop will take undue wear, especially when I run the occaisional +P JHP through the weapon.