I've been shooting since I was 7. I still have the S&W model 10 that I first shot it and it's probably my most coveted firearm, since it's my first.
About a year ago I went shopping for a springfield xd and was ready to sign the papers until I looked below the glass case and saw an SP-01 staring at me. I asked if I could see it while the salesperson retrieved the XD for me to see. The first thing I noticed was the heft of the pistol. When I dropped the mag I was amazed at the capacity. What impressed me the most is that it was on sale for $440. I never did open the XD case and quickly filled the paperwork for the SP01. In all my years of shooting, nothing ever fit my hand that well, or at least I thought. After my first trip to the range, I put about 400 rounds through without any issues. The gun shot softly and accurately.
On my way out I noticed a P01 so I asked to see it. Next thing you know, I'm filling out paperwork again. We have a 3 day wait here in Illinois so I picked it up the next weekend and again put another couple hundred rounds through it without any issues. It shot just as well as the SP01.
Two months ago I went shooting and on my way out I checked the gun section again and saw a stainless 75 with laser sights so there I was again filling out paperwork.
I like variety. Besides the 3 CZ's, I also own a Glock 19, A Sig 226, An H&K P7, A Springfield Trophy Match Mil Spec, A Series 70 Gold cup, an S&W 41, numerous S&W Revolvers, and a couple of Pythons.
My favorite thus far have been the CZ's. I've visited numerous other gun stores and surprisingly, not all are very privy to the CZ line. One sales rep even told me they were junk!
I think the CZ line is the best kept secret out there and I'm glad I stumbled upon this forum. I look forward to contributing and learning what I can.