Author Topic: Cleaning a CZ75Sp01 ?  (Read 2148 times)

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Offline phatocaster

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Cleaning a CZ75Sp01 ?
« on: February 28, 2009, 06:16:28 PM »
This is my first handgun and I am new to gun cleaning. I broke the gun down and following directions I cleaned it really well. My main concern is the parts down inside the grip area I cant get to. I have read on some sites where CZ owners are using brake cleaner to spray the gun down with and using compressed air to blow it off really good then applying oil. Is this ok to do? will brake cleaner screw up the finish? also, what cleaning products do you recommend for cleaning. thanks for any help.

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Re: Cleaning a CZ75Sp01 ?
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2009, 08:45:28 PM »
long wood q tip's and solvent will also work. John

Offline AbyssDncr

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Re: Cleaning a CZ75Sp01 ?
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2009, 10:55:34 PM »
NO way I would spray brake or carb cleaner on these.  Clean up the barrel and slide, swab what you can get with your finger and take a closer look in a thousand rounds or so.  It may look "dirty" down by the trigger bar and mag release, but it will function just fine for a long long time that way. 

For better access if a complete detail strip sounds daunting, take the grip panels off and you can reach in there a little better.

Now, hurry up and get her dirty again!   ;D
SP-01, P-01, CZ-75 Compact, CZ-75 Kadet, CZ-40B, CZ-83 Nickel, CZ-52, CZ-70, CZ-50, CZ 700 Sniper,  CZ 527 Kevlar, CZ 452 Ultra Lux, CZ 452 American 16", CZ 452 Scout, CZ V22 AR Upper, Sar K2

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Re: Cleaning a CZ75Sp01 ?
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2009, 03:26:25 PM »
What I've been doing is first remove the slide and grips. Then, using lots of RemOil (sprayed through the supplied tube) down into the nooks and crannies. I scrub the exterior stuff with an old tooth brush if needed. Then I use compressed air or more RemOil to blow out down and behind in the difficult places.

Since I started lubing the gun with tiny amounts of Mobil-1 synthetic engine oil, the "non-detergent" additives seem to be helping to float most of the crud off and out.

The thought of using a thinner such as brake cleaner, carb cleaner, or other solvents that remove all oil seem to be backwards thinking to me. Yes, you want to remove deposits and crud, but if you also remove all the oil... it's sort of like throwing the baby out with the bath water.
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Offline phatocaster

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Re: Cleaning a CZ75Sp01 ?
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2009, 06:43:45 PM »
sounds good. I did a thorough cleaning...what I could get to anyway....but was just wondering about the parts inside the grip area. I did go to the smokers shak here and buy some pipe cleaners. They really work great getting into those little grooves and tight places and you can take a pair of wire cutters and keep snipping the dirty parts off as you use it. Just a bit of info for those that havent tried them. They get where Qtips cant. Thanks for the replys. BTW...I really like my Sp01 but I was a little disappointed with the jams I got with it. Maybe its something I am doing wrong. I will have to keep shooting and see if it continues.