« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2009, 10:36:25 PM »
I am wanting to get rid of the LPA sights and was wondering what is out there?
Angus has the FAO fully adjustabel plain black rear sights. You might want to check with them first though, because I was disappointed to find that the FAO elevation adjustable rear sight was not serrated.
I think you're going the custom route other than that...
SP-01, P-01, CZ-75 Compact, CZ-75 Kadet, CZ-40B, CZ-83 Nickel, CZ-52, CZ-70, CZ-50, CZ 700 Sniper, CZ 527 Kevlar, CZ 452 Ultra Lux, CZ 452 American 16", CZ 452 Scout, CZ V22 AR Upper, Sar K2