Author Topic: Made the leap  (Read 1195 times)

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Offline sadrake13

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Made the leap
« on: April 01, 2009, 05:18:20 PM »
Well, after weeks of research and reading these forums I have purchased a CZ 75B.  I hope to receive it in a few days.  Any tips or suggestions about anything special that needs to be done when I get it out of the box?  I thought I read somewhere on this board that CZ's guns are heavily covered in grease and might need a "kerosene" bath.  Eventually, I plan to customize it with some grips.  Now I need to find some ammo in preparation for the big day.

Offline NJ Czslinger

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Re: Made the leap
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2009, 02:30:32 AM »
I am about 3 months in with my CZ75b, and mine came light greased, but by no means did i have to give it a bath of any kind, especially not with Kerosene.  I used some cleaner(Hoppes 9), and then lightly lubed it(see manual).  I have yet to make any out of box adjustments except for grips.  I am around 1000 rds in and still have not had the need to make any changes, and good luck with the ammo, thats a whole 'nother beast. Congrats on your new purchase ;D
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Offline dusty10

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Re: Made the leap
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2009, 05:02:22 AM »
Congrats on your purchase.  Just give her a field strip and general cleaning  then off to the range.   ;D
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Offline pogy

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Re: Made the leap
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2009, 01:56:42 PM »
I've had mine for a month now and love it.  Mine came right out of the gun case at Cabela's so it had been cleaned and handled a number of times I'm sure.  I field stripped it when I got home, wiped it down with Hoppe's #9 and ran a couple of patches through the bore.  It shoots sweet!