I should look through the old posts for some where all the marks are explained. That takes a long time, longer than to just describe them all again.

The rampant lion is the proof mark. Symbolically, it is the white lion of Bohemia. It is a symbol that has been used from the middle ages. I'm surprised it was retained by the communists, but it was.
The crossed swords are the acceptance stamp from the Czechoslovakian Army (and still used by the Army of the Czech Republic today). The crossed swords are used everywhere, even on plastic uniform buttons and stamped into leather holsters.
The "rid" stamp is the military manufacturer code for CZ Brno.
"VOZ" followed by any numbers are the years that the pistol was sent for reconditioning at the arsenal. Some pistols were never reconditioned; some like mine have been reconditioned several times. Mine has "VOZ 77 86 95" and that last year was just before it was exported to the US.
A "Z" stamp (foggy memory) signifies that the pistol was inspected for properly working safety.