Author Topic: CZ 83 Jams  (Read 3339 times)

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Offline Keltyke

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CZ 83 Jams
« on: October 13, 2009, 06:26:02 PM »
The wife's CZ 83 turned ugly on her at the range today.  Through three 10-round mags, running Magtech ammo, it partially stovepiped on the 7th round of every mag.  Up until now, it's been flawless.  The gun was clean and she doesn't limp-wrist.

Any suggestions?

Offline sbroomheadsr

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Re: CZ 83 Jams
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2009, 06:54:44 PM »
1 - try another brand of ammo
I say this because I own two 9mm blow-back pistols of a different manufacturer.  One HATES WWB ammo but loves steel case like Wolf; the other loves all that I have run thru her.  My son has had problems with different boxes of MagTech and Blazer Brass.

2 - clean the mags?
I say this only because you said that the gun was clean.

3 - weak recoil spring?
I guess it could just start happening at once but I would think you would have some indications during earlier shooting.
a.k.a. Grim Sweeper

Offline Keltyke

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Re: CZ 83 Jams
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2009, 09:54:44 PM »
Thanks, 'broom'.

I checked the mag afterwards and it was a little dirty inside, so I cleaned it and will try it again.  I'll try different ammo, for sure.  I'm almost willing to bet it was the ammo.  I'm not a big fan of Mag-Tech - buy hey, it's cheap and plentiful right now.

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Re: CZ 83 Jams
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2009, 12:03:29 AM »
Regarding "cheap and plentiful ammo" only use it if your gun shoots well with it, otherwise trade it off/sell it, toss it in the lake if it truly is an ammo issue.

Using ammo that is weak in your gun, such as FTF, FTE-stovepipes and such has several dangerous issues.

Just off the top of my head...

1. Clearing a jammed firearm increases the possibility of an accident. particularly when you get frustrated after several FTE.

2. That said, it spoils a great afternoon of shooting. Also can dampen the interest and raise anxiety of a new shooter. Though it is a good lesson in clearing a firearm malfunction if done safely, but still no fun if you have to do it with every magazine.

3. Gives the gunowner doubts about the reliability of his firearm.

4. May be unsafe if firearm is considered for defensive purposes, you don't want a malfunction in a self defense situation.

once you try other ammo, and problem goes away, likely gun just doesn't like that flavor. If it persist, load the mag with 7 rounds and see how it performs- do this several times, then load with 5 rounds and check performance with several 5 round mags. If it peerforms well with 7  or less rounds likely the mag spring should be replaced.

I have an old remington 510T .22 bolt an rifle with an old mag that hates 10 rounds, but loves 7 rounds.
I need a new mag for it but hard to find.

Anyway just some ideas to start with. And like I said, cheap ammo is not a bad thing. Unless it creates an unsafe situation....


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Offline drd

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Re: CZ 83 Jams
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2009, 04:48:24 PM »
My wife has a CZ 83 in .32 and she loves it, has never had a FTF or any kind of hiccup.  However, before we bought it we read a post which indicated that the European ammo was of a more correct size than the U. S. type so we have shot L&B, Priva, and Fiocchi.

I can't recall where I read it, perhaps the SIG Forum, I guess the .32 ACP size has varied over the years but Long story short CZ's like the European.

Offline Keltyke

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Re: CZ 83 Jams
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2009, 05:14:48 PM »
Aha!  I found the problem.  The pistol came with one mag.  I bought two more from a dealer at a local gun show.  Turns out one is ALMOST a CZ mag, but not quite.  The angle is different, and so is the length.  It barely latches in the butt, pops out a lot, and doesn't feed worth a crap.  The top round is on the opposite side of the follower, too.  I replaced it with the original mag and ran 200 rounds of various brands through flawlessly.

Thanks to all who responded.

Offline PTGT_Neon

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Re: CZ 83 Jams
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2009, 06:11:36 PM »
Thanks for the update!  I'll keep an eye out for those bad ones.

Offline kerncat

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Re: CZ 83 Jams
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2009, 09:17:27 AM »
Thanks for the information..I have a 380 model 83 in the 10 day "jail" right now....I have a Bersa thunder 380 and one of the big no no's with Bersa's is don't use any mags except the factroy mag..I did find out the hard way...won't mention brand but it created all kinds of problems...factory mags are 100% reliable and I'll plan on using nothing but factory mags in the CZ...I have 2 other CZ's and they both have extra mags and both use factory extras...never a problem with any of them.