Author Topic: Ah, back to the fun...  (Read 5447 times)

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Offline armoredman

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Ah, back to the fun...
« on: December 11, 2009, 05:28:54 PM »
I was planning on going out to our outdoor range right after my son went out to school. As his bus pulled away, I stepped into the garage to put the target carrier in the car, and felt something freeze, I think it's called a nunney. I stepped back inside, thawed, and, as we say in my industry, "broke weak" and decided another couple of hours snuggling in bed with the loving wife was FAR better. Weak. It was 32 degrees. In AZ that's cold.  :o
After many adventures and trials, I was able to load up and skeedaddle. When I got thier, yep, I waited too long, my favorite ranges were full, only one open pistol bay. Well, I brought the vz-58, I guess 25 yards will do, then I discovered I left my home made shooting stool at home. Bummer. BUT, I brought the camera!

Here is setup at 10 yards for work with the P07.

Getting ready.

And we have liftoff.

Ever wonder what the TARGET sees?

Nice and empty, nothing but fields and desert out there, nobody to wake up with gun fire.  ;D

Got a few good groups with this new load, 7.2 grains of AA#2 under a Golden Sabre.

One hundred trouble free rounds later, I decided to use my last B-27 target at 25 yards, the qualification distance for my Department.

Here is what the P07 did.

I posted the taped over holes, as the holes themselves didn't show well. Our qualification states rounds must be inside the 8 ring for full points. OK, I can make Distinguished Expert with this one! Just for grins and giggles, I did the same 6 rounds with the PCR and P01, with a load of 8.0 grains AA#7 under a 124gr Hornady XTP, a ,(MAX), load both guns like.
Hnmm. I had one round outside the 8 with both guns. I outshot my PCR and P01 with the P07. Hmm. The P07 ate everything and had a grand old time, 100 more trouble free rounds down range.

So, I ran out of my handloads, what to do? Well, I DID bring the vz-58, just short range and no stool, hmm, lets try rapid fire just for the heck of it.

30 rounds rapid fire, 25 yards, Wolf black box ammo, 30 rounds.

That EOTech really makes followup shots nice and easy. Tried another 30 with my handloads, 24 grains AA#1680 under a 123gr Hornday FMJ. No more B-27s, used a regular target as a replacement center.

Hmm, pulling to the left a little, but Ok for rapid fire. Once again, no issues, rifle ran perfectly. Loaded some with some ofa new handload using the new Remington 9 1/2 primers, everything else is the same, good group, and lo and behold - camera is out of memory. You'll just have to trust me on that one. ;)

Not bad for a nice day at the range, a few hours well spent, and a tumbler full of brass running merrily behind me as I type this.

So, how was YOUR day?  ;D

Offline dusty10

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Re: Ah, back to the fun...
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2009, 05:50:38 PM »
My day was not as good as yours.  I had to work. Everyone wants it done  by Christmas.  :)  Plan on getting out to range next week though.  Good shooting.  8)  Dusty
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Offline rccooley

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Re: Ah, back to the fun...
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2009, 06:12:26 PM »
Too dang cold here to shoot outdoors right now.  Well, almost.  As for my day, I've been at my desk.  By the time I get out it will be dark.  Oh well, a nice new indoor range is opening in January pretty close to home.   Unfortunately not a free public range.  Don't have any of those here.  I plan on getting out sometime soon.  I have some new gun lube to try.  It's supposed to be pretty good, but we shall see.
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Offline donnis

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Re: Ah, back to the fun...
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2009, 11:03:40 AM »
Nice shootin'.  Good group with the P-07 at 25 yds.  Any day at the range is a good day. 

Offline armoredman

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Re: Ah, back to the fun...
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2009, 04:03:16 PM »
Thanks, I hope to tighten that group up considerably with work. Maybe.  ;D
What's the greatest thing to do AFTER shooting? Prepping brass for my other favorite hobby, reloading!  8) ;D

Offline fatexfed2

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Re: Ah, back to the fun...
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2009, 08:30:43 PM »
Ha! you all still use the B-27?  We HAD to quit using near 20 years ago because it "resembled a black person".  They went to the green silohuette, but they still had complaints, so now they qualify on a gray bowling pin looking target with no aiming point. Amazing how stupid political correctness is. Glad you had a good day!  I didn't even try to go shoot. It was 10 this morning and warmed up to 36 afternoon. Even at 36 some icicles didn't melt if they were in the breeze and shade.

Offline armoredman

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Re: Ah, back to the fun...
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2009, 01:59:02 AM »
That's when it's a good time to have an indoor range. :) We actually JUST quit using the B27, and now use a "thug" target with the same scoring rings, a guy holding a revolver and wearing a ski mask.
I asked once or twice why we don't use orange targets, as all inmates wear orange, was told to be more politically correct. I gagged.
Hopefully some more trigger time next week, and soon I will get the casting pot going!

Offline Canuck44

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Re: Ah, back to the fun...
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2009, 10:59:04 PM »
You asked what my day was like.  Well the temperature is -15C sunny with a wind blowing.  Lubed 300 9MM bullets and wll head for the range once the weather warms up to around 0C.  BTW my CZ's run just fine in the freezing wind. ;D

Take Care


Je Suis Charlie

Offline armoredman

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Re: Ah, back to the fun...
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2009, 01:41:53 AM »
That's c-c-c-cold.... :o