Author Topic: first post, first of MANY questions  (Read 1907 times)

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Offline cyarnell

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first post, first of MANY questions
« on: July 30, 2010, 01:40:07 AM »
just ordered sp-o1 tactical (california) have to take possesion of it then send it back to CZ custom to upgrade. my desire is to begin uspsa (production) matches. been reading about belts, pants range bags etc. What does a guy like myself looking to get into the practical shooting game NEED TO HAVE to begin. so far I have my needs as  Gun (duh) mag pouches, holster, ear protection, something to carry it all in. another question belt like Cr speed etc. the (inner/outer) thing is that so one can go throught your belt loops and the other to put your gear on. sorry for the blatant newbie questions
Cz 75 sp-01  9mm
S&W mod 642 38 spl
Ruger sp 101 327 fed mag
Mossberg 18 in bbl 12 ga

Offline Cesar

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Re: first post, first of MANY questions
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2010, 02:13:07 AM »
Just like you, my first CZ gun was SP-01 Tact., found out later but very soon, it was wrong choice for USPSA. Regular SP-01 or (even better if) Shadow would and do work way better. A couple of reasons - easier and cheaper (if you pay for it) trigger work and better grip with a gun with manual safety. Shadow also comes with better sights, no FPB, better trigger, extended mag release and a few other goodies. Shadow is the best out of SP-01 family and one of the best in USPSA Prod class too.

Now, you need holster and I'd recommend you to do it right first time - get BladeTech SP-01 DOH holster with either TecLok or SR Loop.
Pouches - get minimum of 4 (5 is preferred), I and many others prefer CR Versa ones. Belt - CR Speed (+1 size from your normal belt due to holster and so on mounting) or Double Alpha, nice sturdy belts.
Bag - MidwayUSA has a range bag (product 939259680) equal to 511 or ChootersConnection for just $40 - get that.
Cleaning kit if you have none; small and cheap fishing lures plastic box with deviders for spare parts and small tube of lube/oil. Arredondo mag brush is great for when you play in the dirt/sand and drop mags.
Hearing protection (, Howard Leight R-01526 is good cheaper electronic ones), eye protection in clear for indoor; yellow for bright indoor/clowdy outdoor; red/orange/brown for bright sunny days.
Cloth to whipe hands off, stapler; label your stuff; Prince grip enhancer (optional) scateboard tape to apply onto front and rear straps of gun's grip... the rest will come to you with practice :D
You'll soon discover that the gun is not the most of your expence, but ammo, range and match fees, gas, more ammo... :D
If you buy factory ammo, mark headstamp and pick up your spent brass for either later reloading it yourself or for another shooter to use, you can sell it too as once fired brass is quite desirable - second best after factory new brass.

Welcome aboard and safe shooting!!
Don't forget to have fun too :D
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 05:08:27 AM by Cesar »

Offline fxdrider

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Re: first post, first of MANY questions
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2010, 06:03:31 AM »
Don't forget mags. There is no such thing as too many. Right now I have 6 for my Shadow - and I keep thinking it would be nice to get more. I probably wouldn't ever NEED six on any one stage - but because of the sandy conditions on the range where I shoot, I find I have to completely disassemble and clean every mag that touches the ground before using it again. I got the hi-cap mags with mine. Even though you can only load 10 in the mag for Production, the extra capacity will come in handy if I ever decide to shoot the gun in Limited.
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Offline Kenneth

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Re: first post, first of MANY questions
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2010, 06:16:49 AM »
Right now I'm using a shadow custom (got a great deal). I would just get a set of hearing protection, glasses, SUNSCREEN, and for a range bag I use a back pack.  Get a minimum of 4 mags and holders. I alsobuse a blade tech DOH holster but you might get a regular bladetech for IDPA if you ever want to do that. You don't need a gun belt per say but I would suggest getting one and the mag holders so that you use the same stuff from the beginning. Consistency is your friend. You want to do the same thing all the time to get fast at it. Get ready to spend a fortune on ammo ;)

Mr. Sasquatch

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Re: first post, first of MANY questions
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2010, 12:14:07 PM »
If I can offer one word of advice...
Visit the club where you'll shooting USPSA matches and watch what equipment are other more experienced shooters using. Ask a lot of questions. I visited my local club and watched their matches twice before I even was able to ask intelligent questions about what to buy. So, ask a lot of questions. I bet your future team-mates will be more then happy to help you out. You may even be able to buy some used, brand name, high quality equipment and safe $$.

Do not buy a cheap stuff, get the brand name product that the prevoius posters recommended, or later on you'll buy them anyway, so why pay twice. I went throught the same process about three moths ago while getting ready for USPSA. I went back and forth between saving a buck and getting more expensive equipment. Finally decided to go with Blade Tech DOH holster & CR bellt pouches. For indoor matches I use custom made ear plugs under cheap electronic muffs from Cabellas. But i'd suggest you take your time with selecting electronic muffs as the quality varies widely.

Good luck.

Offline 1SOW

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Re: first post, first of MANY questions
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2010, 11:40:00 PM »
I started cheap, I thought.

Now that I've bought the CR Speed belt and mag pouches, I wish I still had the money I spent going cheap. 

By the way, the better equipment is 'much' easier to use well.

As said above, see what the 'shooters' are using at the matches/range.

On the other hand, if you already have an 'Uncle Mikes' with three or four cheapie mag holders,  USE THEM to start with.
After you shoot a while, you'll know what gear you want, or maybe what sport you want to shoot in most.

Offline cyarnell

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Re: first post, first of MANY questions
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2010, 03:19:03 AM »
as expeccted you guys are awesome and so generous with you knowledge. I thank you so very much. as for gettting the shadow versus the tactical. being in california the shadow nor the phantom or DOJ approved so the best i can do is get sp-01 tact (i like decocker) then send it back to cz custom to have them get it as close to shadow as they can. i will definitely be attending local matches to observe, take notes, ask questioins before i jump in the pool. I will be spending lot of time on here now that i am a member in waiting of the CZ world. take care guys
Cz 75 sp-01  9mm
S&W mod 642 38 spl
Ruger sp 101 327 fed mag
Mossberg 18 in bbl 12 ga

Offline Wideload

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Re: first post, first of MANY questions
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2010, 09:56:01 AM »
as expeccted you guys are awesome and so generous with you knowledge. I thank you so very much. as for gettting the shadow versus the tactical. being in california the shadow nor the phantom or DOJ approved so the best i can do is get sp-01 tact (i like decocker) then send it back to cz custom to have them get it as close to shadow as they can. i will definitely be attending local matches to observe, take notes, ask questioins before i jump in the pool. I will be spending lot of time on here now that i am a member in waiting of the CZ world. take care guys

You will do fine with a custom shop modified decocker gun.  It will make a good Production Division gun.

Learn the game and down the road, determine your "ultimate" competition set up (as permitted by what is in your checkbook).

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